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When Freya and Anastasia leave to let me nap for a couple of hours, I’m feeling much better. Now that I have decided to give this life a chance, and to try to trust them, it feels like a weight has been taken off my shoulders. Turning my head, I can smell Dag’s unique scent on his pillow—the scent calms me, lulling me to sleep.

I don’t know how long I’ve been asleep, for when the sound of the door opening has me lifting my eyes groggily. Dag enters and then closes the door behind him. Judging by his tense posture, I can tell that he is still upset. I knew the minute he brought me back that this confrontation would have to happen sooner or later.

“Did I wake you?” he asks as he approaches.

“It’s okay.”

He grunts as he pulls off his T-shirt, his muscles rippling with his angry movements. He then faces me, his hands low on his waist, as he glares at me.


I sit up. I’d rather be facing him while I’m sitting up, then lying down.

“I didn’t want to. But, Dag, you can’t expect me to stay here when the Desperados are ready to attack everyone here that has been so good to me.”

He takes an angry step closer to the bed, his expression furious. “Do you realize that you could have been caught and be dead by now?”

I nod. “Yes, but you know that I have managed to keep my distance from them for a long time,” I say, trying to appease his anger.

“They fucking caught you last time.”

He has a point, but I was still able to keep a distance for a long time before that happened.

“You can’t place yourself in danger like that.” His anger is scary to watch, but deep down, I know that he’s not going to hurt me. I have been comparing him to Sean this whole time, while he is so blatantly different. I feel safe with Dag. I feel cherished and wanted, something that I never felt with Sean.

“I know, I’m sorry.”

“This doesn’t work if you’re not going to trust us to know what’s best for us. Are you going to run away again?”

Trust! Can I trust him? I know that I want to. I know that I think I will, but can I really trust him fully?

“No.” I see him pondering if he can believe what I’m telling him. I need to come clean with him and tell him exactly how I’m feeling. He deserves that, I deserve that. “I didn’t want to leave, but after being the culprit of this war, and after hearing what Basil said at the gate, I didn’t want anyone to get hurt because of me.”

He rubs his face with his hands, a sign of exasperation.

“But the whole time I was gone, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. You have treated me better than anyone ever has, Dag. You have shown me how truly kind another person can be. I wanted to come back because I want you, but I didn’t want you to get hurt because of me.” I end in a choked breath as the tears of frustration fill my throat.

“Fuck,” he growls, as he throws his hands up in the air. Then he approaches, but instead of touching me like I want him to do, he simply stands next to the bed, looking down at me. “You need to give us a chance, you need to let us help you, because if you keep on doing this, the others will stop trusting you.”

“I will.” I slide my legs off the bed and stand. I’m only a foot away from him, but he doesn’t retreat. Instead, he stands there, looking down at me, his body still vibrating with anger. I have never been the one to make any kind of sexual move in our relationship, or any relationship for that matter, but now I want to show him that I want him and even though I feel apprehensive that he will reject me, I lift my hand, placing it on his chest.

I can feel his muscles shudder under my touch, but he doesn’t move. Instead, he stands completely still, letting me continue. Stroking his chest gently, my fingers get to know every inch of him. His warm skin feels tantalizing under my fingertips. I lower my fingers to the waistband of his jeans, rubbing my fingers on the inside of his waistband, teasing him as I see his eyes flare with passion. It’s difficult to undo the button of his jeans with just one hand, but I’m determined.

After tugging and wiggling, I finally get it loose. Dag stands as still as a statue, letting me continue. I want him to see that I do want to be with him, that I trust him, or at least I’m trusting him not to hurt me, which is a big deal for me.

When the zip is finally down, I slide my open palm down the side, pulling his jeans down as I go. I know that Dag very rarely uses any underwear, and comes in handy when trying to seduce him with only one hand. Dag is perfection in every sense of the word. There is not one ounce of fat on him. He is rock hard muscle, which is surprising with the amount of food that he eats.

We had got into the habit of eating our dinner together in the room, and the amount of food that he can put away is insane. When his jeans are around his ankles, I frown. How am I going to get his cat boots off without his help? Placing my hand on his chest, I push him towards the bed until he sits down, then I’m kneeling down between his knees which is distracting when his erect cock is standing at attention a breath away from my forehead as I look down at his feet.

I hear him gulp as I move my head, which has my hair stroking over his hardness. His legs stiffen at the contact. I know it’s in pleasure, and not in anger like before. Unknotting his laces. I pull them open. When they are finally ready to be pulled off, I look up at him to see his tense features, his eyes two beacons of scorching lust looking at me.

“Please pull them off.” Instead of standing and moving away, I let him lean down on each side of me as he pulls his boots off and the leg of his jeans. When he is sitting before me, as naked as the day he was born, except for his chain, I lean forward slightly to blow gently on his pulsating hardness. His hands that are on his knees suddenly fist and his biceps bulge at my teasing.

Then I kiss him lightly. The soft warm skin calling to my touch. Placing my mouth over him, I hear his intake of breath and smile as my tongue licks around his smoothness. I love knowing that I’m giving him pleasure, that he is enjoying my touch—my kisses. Before, he has always been the one to pleasure me, now I’m going to make sure to pleasure him the same way he does me.

As I bob my head up and down over his hardness, I open my eyes, looking up to see his head thrown back as he enjoys my mouth. I’m grateful that he isn’t one of those men that stares at me while I’m pleasuring him, as I would feel awkward if he was. I draw my hand up his abs, my nails scratching lightly until they reach his chest. Then suddenly, one minute I’m on my knees before him, the next his strong hands are like vices around my waist as he lifts me in one motion, pulling me onto his lap, my legs spread on each side of him so that my T-shirt covered breasts are flush against his chest, and my wet panties are rubbing against his twitching cock.

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