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Freya is getting ready to shower, but before that, I want to make sure that she doesn’t carry any unnecessary guilt with her.

Her eyes rise to meet mine with a question in them.

“I don’t want you to feel guilty about what happened. We are at war and in every war, there are casualties. They knew what to expect if they tried to mess with one of our old ladies, and they purposefully continued.”

“But if we hadn’t gone out, that wouldn’t have happened,” she says shaking her head

“Sooner or later, we were going to go out. You wouldn’t have been at the club eternally, and knowing them, they would have tried something like this then.” Approaching her, I place my hands around the back of her neck, my thumbs raising her chin so that she’s looking at me.

“I don’t like violence, Dane,” she murmurs.

“I know you don’t, but in my life, violence sometimes is necessary. Freya, I need you to trust me. Trust me to do only what I think is right, and to keep you and the others safe.”

I feel her muscles tensing at my statement, her eyes tormented. “I worry that you will get arrested one of these days for all the violence. How am I going to help you out of something like that?”

I lower my head to kiss her lips gently. My woman is worried about me. “Don’t worry about me, Freya, I will not be arrested. I’ve lived for three hundred and twenty years, and in all that time I’ve never been arrested. I appreciate that you are worried, but, baby girl, there is no need.”

She raises her hands to my chest. “Promise?”

I smile. “Have I told you yet that I love you?”

Her eyes widen. “Oh, that is so sneaky,” she says. “You say that now so I will forget what we are talking about. I see your colours, Dane.”

“What do my colours say?” I ask in amusement.

“The colours say that I love you, too.” I feel my stomach tighten when I hear the words that I’ve been waiting to hear since the moment I bonded with my woman. I know that it’s unnecessary for her to tell me that she loves me because as a bonded Elemental, we exist for each other. I want to be able to know my woman wants me in every way—not just because of our unbroken bond, but because she realizes, like I do, that there is nothing else out there that can compare to what we feel for each other.

I know that being my old lady will be a feat, not only because of our differences, but because of my quick temper and rash decisions. But one thing I’m certain of is that Freya will do anything in her power to save me from myself, even though I don’t need saving. To know that you have someone in your life that is willing to give everything for you, fills my heart, letting me finally feel an all-consuming peace with life—a peace that I didn’t feel before, and that only my woman can ever give me.

Elementals may be my roots, and the club my drive, but Freya is my very life—a life that can only be complete with her in it.

