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Ulrich can get under my skin like no one has ever done. From the moment I saw him that I knew there was something different about him but I would never have thought that it was the attraction that we have. It was difficult for me to believe in everything that was said to me about Ulrich being the one and only man for me, but even with all our fighting I know that there is something there between us that is rare.

Being with Ulrich I’m sure will bring a lot of arguments, him and I are just too hard-headed. I still think him a caveman as he just ploughs along taking everyone and everything in his wake, but I am finding that trait more and more appealing as he portrays the picture of male dominance in everything he does. I will never tell him or another soul that as I won’t let him dominate me, or at least not all the time. The image of him throwing me over his knee and spanking me has warmth flooding my cheeks. That is a typical male dominance move from him, but instead of being repelled by it I was turned on.

I will never tell him that or anyone else for that matter but that man turns me on like no other man ever has, and everything that women have been telling me since they arrived I now am starting to believe. Last night I went to sleep by myself but during the night I felt Ulrich slide into bed with me. He placed his arms around my waist and pulled my back tight against his chest. I remember muttering in my sleep, but I didn’t awake fully to enjoy it which now I wish I had.

When I woke up this morning he was gone, and I was once again alone in the room, but at least now I feel like I have a purpose and am not just sitting around hiding from whoever kidnapped me. I need to try and find which company is allowing for this trafficking ring to operate and steal so many women’s lives. Sasha told me yesterday that Dora died, that her system was too debilitated by the time they found her for her to survive. All I could think when she told me was that that could have been me.

I will fight with these men, besides Ulrich’s side, to try and stop these men that think it is okay to hurt women. Taking in a deep breath, I open the door to the room to make my way down to where I left the laptop yesterday. Walking in I see Dag standing against the outside door, leaning against the doorframe with a mug in his hand. What grabs my attention is his naked back, the muscles rippling as he lifts his arm, bringing the cup to his lips. The wings tattooed on his back moving with his action. His low-cut jeans covering a perfect ass.

“Morning Anastasia.” His quiet rumble vibrates through the empty room; I tense, feeling my face heat with colour. I hope he didn’t realize I was staring at him, but the damn man still has his back to me and hasn’t even turned his head. How did he know it was me?

“Morning,” I murmur, making my way towards the table with the laptop on it. He finally turns slightly and looks at me. “Where is everyone?” I ask, trying to keep my eyes away from his body, but it’s not easy as the tattoos catch my eye. There is the face of a beautiful woman tattooed on the left side of his chest, her soft eyes seem sad.

“Most of the brothers went out, they will be back tomorrow. The others are around somewhere.” He makes his way towards me, his eyes on the laptop. “Do you think you will be able to find the company that is trafficking the women?”

“I will try my best, depending on how well they know the system they might be able to hide their trail, but I doubt they could cover their tracks everywhere.” He pulls out the chair on the opposite side of the table and sits down, finally looking up at me.

“How long have you been working in the shipping industry?” he asks with a raised brow.

“Going on to five years now, I was lucky to find a job with Mr. Smith.” I shrug as I look at the screen, “even though he doesn’t spend much time at the company, he taught me most of the things I needed to know about the industry, the rest I learned with time.”

“I looked into your boss yesterday, do you know that he has a gambling problem?” My head snaps up from the screen to his face in surprise. “You didn’t know?” he states when he sees my surprise, now some things make sense. The way he was always taking money out of the company for his personal use.

“No, I didn’t,” I mutter, thinking back to all the times he used to go out in the middle of the day.

“You practically ran the company for him, do you know that if it wasn’t for you, he would have folded already.” I nod, that is why he relied on me so much.

“I should phone him to let him know that I am okay and will come back to work soon, but Ulrich thinks best that I don’t do it yet,” I state and see Dag nod as he raises his brow.

“He is right, until we know how they found out about you and if anyone helped them, it is better that others don’t find out that you are here.”

“Do you think that I’m still in danger?” Ulrich told me that I am, but I want to know what this dangerously handsome man before me thinks.

“You are Ulrich’s mate; you will always be in danger.” I tense, what does he mean with that? Will Ulrich somehow hurt me? He does have the temper to go with it.


“We have enemies’ sweetheart and you have been identified as a target. They tried once, and they would do it again if they get a chance.” I relax, realizing how stupid I was being thinking that somehow, I would be in danger from Ulrich.

“Do you know where Ulrich is?” I tried not to ask, but ever since our argument last night I haven’t spoken to him.

“He went with the others; he will be back tomorrow.” My stomach tenses at his statement, he didn’t even say anything before he left. I know that I am being silly feeling upset about him not saying goodbye when he left, but I can’t help it. Yesterday after our fight I was genuinely thinking of leaving, but each minute that passed and my anger subsided I realized that I just don’t want to leave. I want that man, I want to be able to know that he is thinking about me and that he wants to be with me as much as I am finding myself thinking about him and wanting to see him. A thought pop’s into my mind and I tense.

“Where is Tanya?” If they have taken the women with them then Ulrich better prepare himself because hell has no fury like me. Dag shrugs as he sits forwards to place his now empty mug on the table.

“You don’t know, Monica and Tanya have been sent packing,” he states as he stands, “we don’t let anyone disrespect our women, they insulted you, they are out.” I should be feeling bad about the fact that two women have been fired, if that is what I can call it, but I’m not. I didn’t want the nagging reminder every time I looked at them that Ulrich was in bed with them before. I know it was before me and I know that it shouldn’t bother me, but it does.

“Well, I’ll leave you to your work, I will be in the workshop if you need me.” With those words he leaves, I shake my head as I think of what he said. I hope I don’t need him because I haven’t got a clue where the workshop is.

I don’t know how much time passes with me engrossed in finding something that would tell me who is doing this when I hear a noise. Looking up, I see Camille and Andy walking in, when they see me they stop. I can see by their expressions that I am the last person that they want to see right now but if I am going to be here for any amount of time, then I should make an effort to make friends. “Morning,” I greet.

“Morning,” they mutter as they make their way further into the room. I thought that they would at least sit down at one of the tables, but they simply walked through and out the front door. Well, so much for making friends.

“Hey girl, we’ve been looking for you.” I jump in surprise a couple of minutes later as Gabriela calls out from the entrance. Looking over my shoulder, I see her, Katrina and Saskia standing there with smiles on their faces. I might not be able to make friends with the blossoms but it looks like I’m making fast friends with the other old ladies, it is just a shame that they will be leaving soon and then I won’t have any other women here to speak to.

“When we went to the room, and you weren’t there, we thought maybe you had run away during the night,” Gabriela teases as she comes to sit next to me.
