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Meeting some of the men was nerve-racking, especially Tor as it was clear that he is a man that is used to leading and being obeyed. It is clear that he isn’t someone not to be trifled with, all the men are dangerous, which it is clear to see, but I feel a sense of belonging here that I have never felt before. Being introduced by Ulrich to his brothers was clearly an honour, as it was evident from the way everyone treated me that Ulrich doesn’t do this often.

I think back to when Ulrich touched me, every time he touches me it’s like a spark is ignited. I don’t know if what he says is true, but what I know is that he can make me forget everything with a stroke of a finger or a simple look. I came up earlier with the excuse that I needed to rest, but in truth I just needed some breathing space away from him to think.

There is a knock on the bedroom door which startles me, sitting up in bed I frown. Who could it possibly be? I swear if it’s Camille I will just shut the door. Walking towards the door, I am surprised to see four women standing on the other side of the door. “Hi,” one of them says as she steps forwards and hugs me.

“Oh, ignore Gabriela, she loves her hugs,” one says as she slips past us into the room.

“Hi,” I reply, unsure what else to do when I’m ambushed by a group of women. I swear if they are more working girls here at the club coming to ask me questions about why I am now his old lady, I will kick them out.

“As Katrina said, I am Gabriela, Bjarni’s mate and I am so pleased to meet another addition to our girl power.” I don’t know who Bjarni is, but from what she is saying she must be another of the old ladies.

“Let her breathe, you are overwhelming her, she doesn’t even know what you are talking about.” I turn my head and encounter a stunningly beautiful women with long dark brown hair. “Hi, I’m Saskia and I’m Burkhart’s woman which you won’t know who he is because we are from the Nurture Valley chapter.” At her statement I realize who they must be.

“Is that Draco’s men?” I ask.

“Yip, that’s my man,” Katrina says with a grin from where she’s sitting on the bed, I look to my right and see the other woman standing there in the doorway, this one has straight black hair and stunning blue eyes, these four women are all stunning. I feel awkward standing between them with my curly hair and freckles.

“You are beautiful, I love your hair,” she says with a gentle smile, “I am Aria and Brandr’s other half.”

“Nice to meet all of you.” I still feel a little ambushed to be honest by they all seem so nice.

“We are here to welcome you to the Elemental’s MC, as the women behind these yummy men,” Gabriela says with a wink, “we are what drives them.” With that she grins.

“Stop being a perv woman,” Saskia quips as she elbows her, one thing she is right about these men are all yummy. I wonder if the ones in their chapter are just as delicious.

“They are even better, or I think so.” My head snaps towards Aria, did I say that out loud? At my thought, she shakes her head. “No, you didn’t.” Oh hell no, she is listening to my thoughts.

“Stop doing that, you are going to freak her out before we can even talk to her,” Katrina mutters

“Too late,” I state staring at Aria.

“We all have gifts, each one in a different way. Aria just likes to show off,” Saskia says as she pulls her tongue out at Aria playfully. That means that what Ulrich said about the women having gifts is true.

“I think it’s time we explain to you about who the Elemental’s are, what they are, and how we fit in,” Aria says as she also makes her way towards the bed and takes a seat next to Katrina.

“Let’s just say that they are not exactly human, but you have had sex with Ulrich, so you know that,” Katrina says with a wink.

“They do excel at that, don’t they?” Gabriela says with a smile.

“ANYWAY,” Saskia says loudly to bring them back to the purpose of their visit, “As elemental’s they can each bend a specific element, in Ulrich’s case I think it’s fire like Burkhart.” At her statement I nod, I can feel my heart racing at the fact that what Ulrich tried to explain is true. “The elemental’s only have one mate, when they find that mate everything changes for them. The only women that are mated to the elemental’s are women with gifts like us.”

“What’s your gift?” Katrina asks, which has me tensing, “all I have to do is touch someone and I will know their truth,” she states. Wow, so one can hear people’s thoughts and the other one knows the truth about people just by touching them. I am very inadequate next to their gifts.

“I can make ice, nothing special.” At my comment I see their eyes widen.

“You mean that you turn things into ice, same way as Ulrich turns things into fire?” Gabriela asks

“I guess,” I mutter, not yet sure what Ulrich can do with the fire he manifested.

“That is so great, it means that you can cool down a person when they have a fever or cool down a fiery situation. And after meeting Ulrich a couple of times and being here at the club with the bunch of men a few times, I am sure you will have many opportunities to do that.” I had never thought about it that way but I guess that I can do that, I know that sometimes when my parents were fighting I would wish for them to calm down and they would, but I never once thought that I was the one doing that by cooling their rage.

“Do you have to touch someone, or can you project cold towards them?” Saskia asks as she too goes and sits on the other side of Katrina.

“I have never tried to project it; in truth I have always tried not to use my gift.” At my words Gabriela throws up her hands.

“It’s so sad that we all had to do that before meeting our men, but you will be happy to know that you can use your gift as much as you want now and you will find that it’s not just Ulrich that gets stronger but your gift grows too with time.”
