Page 7 of Summer of Thrills

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We found an empty space in the crowd as the band came on stage and introduced themselves. And that wrongness settled over me, hovering like an evil black cloud. Throughout the first three songs, my gaze slid across the crowd, as if I could find the source of that evil and push it away. I sought out that calming presence, as if it would fight off whatever sought to harm me.

Halfway through the fourth song, I caught sight of Trenton. He was standing near the concession stand, two plastic cups in his hand, talking to a tall man with dark brown hair I was sure I’d seen at the diner before. He shifted the drinks in his hands, bumped fists with the man, and finally turned my way.

The hairs on the back of my neck rose as he came closer. The cool breeze off the ocean chilled my bare legs and arms. I shifted uncomfortably, tearing my gaze from him to the crowd along the edges of the area.

“What’s wrong, love?”

I jerked my attention back and found him staring down at me, his face etched with concern. With a shake of my head, I forced a smile I didn’t fully feel. “Hey. Nothing, just wondered where you were.”

“Sorry.” He handed one of the cups to me. “Long line at the concession stand.”

He watched me as I took a big drink from my beer, his smile growing the longer I went. When I wiped the back of my hand across my mouth, he let out a quiet chuckle and wrapped his arm around my shoulders once again.

“I take it you approve?”

“Mmm. Yes, thank you. It was exactly what I needed.”

We stood side-by-side, the two of us sipping slowly at our beers, our bodies touching, swaying to the music, as I tried to wash away the feeling that someone was watching me. When my beer was nearly gone, Callie bounced through the crowd toward me, a huge smile on her face, and Calvin on her tail.

“Dance with me!” she crooned, taking my hand and pulling me from Trenton’s side. I drained my drink and let him take my empty cup before I joined my friend, letting the music and our movements take away my worries. When our guys came to our sides a few minutes later, I left Callie and clung to Trenton.

It felt right being in his arms.

It felt good with my body pressed close to his.

It felt like my past didn’t matter anymore, that I could dig out of those painful memories and make the life I was destined to live.

That feeling stayed with me as the band played their last set. As I said goodbye to Callie and Calvin and walked hand in hand with Trenton to his car.

And when we stood on my doorstep a few minutes later, I was awash in the glow I’d felt humming through my body since the moment I fell into his lap this morning.

“You own this?” he asked as he turned to me and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

“It’s just a rental. I was really lucky to find it.”

He nodded, his gaze drifting over my lips as I wet them. He tipped his head to the side, gesturing back toward the beach we’d come from. “I’m over at The Lodge.”

“What’s that?”

“The hostel by the beach. I room with a dozen other people.”

I winced, and he chuckled.

“Like I said, I wasn’t planning on staying long. Until I met you, I thought I’d catch a few waves, then move on like I always do.”

“Until me?”

He hummed, and the low sound wound through me, tempting me in ways I hadn’t imagined I’d ever feel again. Especially not after only knowing him for such a short amount of time.

“Can I see you again tomorrow?” His fingers trailed along my jaw, sending shivers down my spine as goosebumps rose along my arms.

“I’d like that.”

A smile tipped his lips, and he moved closer. “Can I kiss you?”

I nodded. “I’d like that too.”

Trenton lowered his face, and when his lips first touched mine, the tingles that raced through me had me sucking in a sharp breath.

The kiss was everything I’d ever wanted in life. Sweet and gentle and pure perfection. Our tongues met in a gentle slide, his lips slanted over mine. And I ached with the desire for more before he’d even pulled away.

“See you tomorrow?” he asked, a plea in his voice.

I nodded, stood on the tips of my toes, and pressed another kiss to his lips. “Tomorrow. I can’t wait.”

He backed away from me, his hand holding mine until my fingers finally slipped from his. I turned my back on him only long enough to unlock my door, and kept my eye on him until I’d locked myself safely inside.

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