Page 36 of Summer of Thrills

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“Why are we doing this again?”Trenton stood in the middle of my living room, his face scrunched as he took in all our camping gear in the pile between him and the door.

I glanced up from the cooler I’d just shoved the last of our food into and frowned. “I thought you wanted to go.”

He made his way toward me, and a shiver raced through me when I saw the green of his eyes darken. I stood, only to be swallowed in his embrace.

“What if I just want to stay here?” he asked, his whisper coasting along the skin of my throat. “What if I don’t want to share you with anyone else?”

Laughter tumbled free, only to be silenced by his mouth. His lips slanted against mine and, when I tried to protest, his tongue slipped out and tangled with my own. Together, we moaned, and when he tugged me tighter against him, one of his reasons for not wanting to go made itself known as he pressed his hips to mine.

“Trenton.” His name was a plea, because even though I pushed at him with my hands, my body was begging for him to stay. “We’re going to be late.”

“Don’t care.” He’d barely finished that thought before he lifted me from the floor and dropped me on the kitchen table. It creaked and groaned as he pushed me against the wood and slid his hands down to my thighs. “This fucking dress, love,” he murmured against my skin.

A gasp left me as his fingers skated the edge of my panties, then slid underneath. But that gasp was just a prelude. Trenton didn’t slip inside of me like I expected. Instead, he hooked his finger around the thin, cotton fabric and pulled. The cotton gave way, a sharp bite against my skin as it broke free, before something pushed against me. What I expected to be a finger, a knuckle, anything else… ended up being the crown of his dick.

“Fuck, Mysti,” he grunted as he thrust his way inside. I arched off the table, my body unready for his intrusion. A bubble of shock tore through me and Trenton used that to his advantage. He gathered me up, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me toward him as he thrust again. “Dammit, why do you have to feel so good?”

“Trent—” I couldn’t finish that thought. His hand slipped between us, his thumb pressing onto the swelling nub between my legs. What came out was a cry, so primal and raw, and at first, I didn’t even realize it was me. It wasn’t until he shushed me, until his mouth covered mine, that I grasped that the keening sound had torn free from my throat.

“Hush, love,” Trenton cooed as he thrust again. The roll of his hips made my toes curl, and quiet was no longer a word I could understand. “You’re going to wake the neighbors.”

“To hell with them,” I mumbled as I grabbed the back of his head. I pulled him toward me, letting my fingers slide into the curls that were wrapped up in a tie at the base of his skull. His hair slipped free, and I was covered in a curtain that smelled like the most beautiful dream.

I was flying, my body pinned beneath him as my spirit soared. I was surrounded by him, covered in his hair and scent and body. I was full of him, pierced by his dick as my heart swam in the waves he’d created the minute he walked into my life. As Trenton plunged himself deeper and deeper, that feeling that’d been bubbling inside of me from the moment we met, came spilling out of me as three little words tumbled across my lips.

“I love you.”

Trenton stilled, though, as I watched him—eyes closed, mouth open, his hips jerking slightly—I was sure it had more to do with his release coating my insides than the words that had tumbled free. For a moment, I wanted to take them back, shove them back inside me, choke on them until I was blue in the face. But when Trenton opened his eyes and gazed down at me, that moment—and those horrible feelings—were gone.

The smile that tipped his lips wasn’t the wide, wide grin I’d come to love. But I loved this one too. It was disarming, his disbelief warring with the hopefulness that played across his face as clear as day.

“Did you just say—”

“I love you.”

He blinked, then lifted his head. I followed his gaze and saw it had landed on my pot of succulents and the mermaid statue he’d given me. I lifted my hand, covering the mermaid tattoo he’d gotten inked on his chest.

“Goddess.” He dropped his forehead to mine, and his body sagged, covering me like the warmest blanket. “I—”

Before he could finish, the table creaked, cracked, and fell. We hit the floor with a thud, and pain replaced the bliss I’d felt just a minute before. Trenton’s nose slammed against my chin, and almost immediately, he rolled off of me as much as he could. Stuck between the V of the table, with his arm still tucked under my back, his nose bleeding and the wind knocked out of me, we looked a mess.

“Are you okay?” I gently lifted myself off his arm and he immediately lifted his hand to his face. “Oh, no! Your arm is bleeding.”

The skin under his eyes crinkled, the same way it did when he smiled. Slowly, carefully, Trenton sat up. With one hand at his face, pinching his nose closed, he placed the other one over my own.

“I love you too, Goddess.”

I tasted blood as he kissed me, but I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Trenton held me to him as a cry fell from my lips.

Never once growing up did I ever dream of this. Of finding my perfect man.

Of falling in love.

* * *

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