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“By a few months.”

Mom raised an eyebrow, knowing that didn’t add up.

“Rome and Christopher were both adopted,” I explained. Mom asked about this many times, but since she could never remember it, we had to repeat.

“Oh, I see,” Mom said. “Water is just as strong as blood sometimes.”

“I think it’s stronger.” I shot Jackson a glare.

“Oh, shut up.” Jackson picked up a piece of corn and threw it at me. “You love me, and you know it.”

“Do not.”

“I distinctly remember you saying otherwise.” Jackson shoved another pile of food into his mouth.

“Only because you said it first, and I didn’t want you to feel like an idiot.” After I was shot, Jackson turned soft on me. But now we picked on each other again like I’d never had a near-death experience.

“Shut up, you two,” Rome said. “Theresa and I know you two love each other. So stop pretending that you don’t.”

“I never said I didn’t love him,” Jackson argued. “He’s the one saying he doesn’t love me.”

I rolled my eyes. “This is the stupidest argument we’ve ever had.”

“No,” Jackson said. “I’m pretty sure we’ve had worse.”

A knock sounded on the door.

“Hmm, I wonder who that is.” Rome set her napkin on the table and pushed her chair back.

“No.” I rose to my feet and pointed at her chair. “Sit.”

Jackson grabbed his fork and knife and started acting like a caveman. “You do this…you do that. Now.”

Rome covered her mouth and laughed at his dead-on impersonation.

“You got something to say, punk?” I crossed my arms over my chest and stared him down.

“Me?” He continued to do his caveman act. “Me hungry. Me thirsty.”

The knock sounded again.

Rome laughed again, and that’s when I gave up. I walked to the front door and checked the peephole before I let Christopher walk inside. “Hey, man. We’re just having dinner. You wanna join us?”

“Free food?” he asked. “Hell yeah.”

“Then come on in.” We walked back into the dining room. Christopher grabbed a plate and sat beside Rome. Just like Jackson, he shoveled pounds of food onto his plate like he hadn’t eaten in days. When he realized my mother was at the table, he introduced himself. He’d met her dozens of times, but he was used to the routine. “Hey, Theresa. I’m Christopher, Rome’s brother.”

“Oh, we were just talking about you,” Mom said. “They were all good things, I promise.”

“I’m sure,” Christopher said. “Rome thinks the world of me.”

“Yeah…” Rome said sarcastically. “I always chat you up.”

Christopher grabbed a piece of corn and threw it at Rome just the way Jackson threw a piece at me earlier.

Rome opened her mouth and caught it.

“Wow.” Jackson clapped his hands together. “That’s good instincts right there.”

“That’s my woman,” I said proudly. “Quick reflexes.”

“Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something,” Christopher said as he turned on Jackson.

“Yeah?” Jackson asked. “Finances? Women? Style? I’ve got a great tailor on Fifth—”

“No, it’s about that chick, Isabella,” Christopher said. “I ran into her at Ruin the other night.”

I didn’t realize Christopher was a new member. And I certainly didn’t know Isabella was back.

“What’s her story?” Christopher asked. “She’s hot.”

Rome kept eating like she didn’t want to be part of the conversation.

I assumed that meant Christopher didn’t realize that this Isabella and the one who shot me were one and the same.

Jackson clearly didn’t know what to say. He eyed me like he wanted me to handle the conversation.

“Isabella and I used to be involved,” I explained. “A long time ago.”

“Oh…” Christopher leaned back and looked down at his food. “Sorry, man. I didn’t know.”

“No, it’s alright,” I said. “And she’s the one who, you know.” I didn’t want to mention the story in front of my mom. She would get upset, and since she wouldn’t remember it tomorrow, it was a waste of time.

“Oh…” Christopher stopped chewing, speaking with his full mouth. “Shit, I didn’t make that connection.”

“She’s a good girl,” I said. “You should go for it.”

Jackson raised an eyebrow. “A good girl? Are you kidding me?”

Rome’s mood darkened, her feelings about Isabella obvious. She would never forgive the woman for shooting me, even if it was an accident.

“She made a mistake,” I said. “I know she didn’t mean to do it.”

“But she meant to allow Hank to kidnap me,” Rome said darkly.

“She didn’t know what he was going to do with you,” I said. “She was depressed and out of her mind—”

“Don’t defend her,” Rome hissed.

Mom kept eating, her head down once the conversation became tense.

I didn’t want to get into this with Rome in front of everyone. We didn’t talk about Isabella or Hank anymore. Now we just lived our lives—in happiness. “All I’m saying is, if you’re looking for a woman from Ruin, she’s a good match.”

“Well, I’m kinda looking for a wife,” Christopher said. “You know, someone who’s pretty, got her shit together, and knows how to cook. The basics.”

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