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“That’s fair.”

Earlier that evening, he smacked me when I didn’t address him properly. Then he smacked me again for good measure. He was authoritative and borderline brutal. He was a completely different man from the one I spoke to in that moment. I was in love with the man, but I feared the beast. “It is?”

“I’ll construct a playroom here. We don’t have to leave the house.”

Now I didn’t have to look at the other women and wonder if they’d been in the same playroom that I had. I could have something none of the others had. “Thank you.”

He turned my head toward him so he could lean down and kiss me on the lips. The kiss was soft and affectionate, containing the love of the man I preferred. He was there with me in that moment, exactly what I wanted him to be. “Let’s get some sleep. I’ve gotta be up in…” His eyes moved to the clock on the nightstand. “In two hours.” A quiet sigh escaped his lips followed by a quick chuckle. “Damn.”

It felt like a normal day.

Calloway and I went to work together, our hands joined together on his thigh as we sat in the back seat. He walked me to my office once we were in the building, and as usual, he kissed me before he walked away.

Despite being sleep-deprived, I was able to get more work done than I had been lately because I wasn’t distracted. My heart wasn’t broken in two, and my breaths weren’t heavy with despair. I was actually happy for the first time in a month.

At the end of the day, Calloway picked me up at my office. He leaned against the door and typed a quick email on his phone, his large fingers almost too big for the screen. His tailored suit highlighted all the exquisite parts of his body, his powerful arms and broad shoulders.

A feeling of both sadness and joy flooded through me. The routine was something I took for granted, the silent understanding that we would leave once Calloway was finished in his office. He worked harder than anyone else there, so he was usually one of the last people to walk out.

I missed the little things like this. “Ready to go?”

He shoved his phone into his pocket. “Yes. Is my woman ready?”

I loved being his woman. “Yes.” I grabbed my purse and walked out with him.

His arm circled my waist, where it remained until we reached the door. Tom immediately drove us to his house.

I hated to interrupt such a great afternoon, but I had somewhere else to be. “I’m gonna go home for a few hours.” I hadn’t said anything to Christopher about what was going on. He was probably worried about me even if he wouldn’t admit it.

Calloway hid his disappointment well. He hit the intercom button. “Change of course, Tom. Let’s head to Rome’s apartment.”

“Of course, sir.”

Calloway kept his fingers interlocked with mine for the rest of the car ride, his eyes out the window.

Tom pulled up to the curb a moment later and opened the back door.

Calloway got out then gave me a hand so I could get to the sidewalk without tripping in my black stilettos.

I gripped his arms for balance as I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his now shaven face. His lips were soft despite his obvious ruggedness, and now I wished I hadn’t decided to stop by my apartment. “I’ll see you later.”

“See me later?” he asked. “I’m coming with you.” He turned to Tom. “I’ll call you when I need you.” He raised his hand in the form of a wave then pulled me along.

“Why are you coming with me?” I didn’t mean to blurt it out and sound so harsh, but I was sure he had other things to do.

“I just got you back, sweetheart. You think I’m gonna let you run off for a few hours?”

We entered my apartment a moment later and found Christopher sitting on the couch working. His laptop was on the coffee table, and he had folders spread out everywhere. He was probably working on a portfolio for a high-end client. He sipped his coffee and looked up, nearly doing a double take when he saw the two of us walk in together. “Packing up your things again?” He left the couch and shook Calloway’s hand.

“No,” Calloway answered. “She’s staying put for now. But between you and me, I hope she’s not here very long.”

“Between you and me,” Christopher responded. “Me too.” Christopher turned to me and put his hands in his pockets, obviously wanting to ask me about Calloway but unable to since he was standing right there. “Wanna get dinner or something?”

“That sounds good,” I said. “I’m starving.”

“Good,” Christopher said. “Since you haven’t eaten in a month, I’m not surprised.”

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