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The boy stared at Ian, his mouth falling open and his eyes huge. “I—I didn’t know!” he gasped.

“You do now,” Ian replied, crossing his arms and squinting at him in the sunlight. “She’s so happy about it, Scotty. She’s glowing. She’ll make a great mom, don’t you think?”

“I…” Scotty clapped a hand over his mouth, shaking his head.

“Please help me bring her home,” Ian whispered.

Scotty pulled his hand away and his words tumbled and fell. “In San Ysidro, just near the border, off near the end of Old Farm Road, there’s an old farm or fruit packing place or something. A couple of buildings with green roofs.”

“Go on,” Ian encouraged, when Scotty faltered.

“It’s back from the road. It’s where the cartel processes their marijuana.”

“The cartel?” Ian asked.

Scotty took covert glances around and whispered, “The Mazeros. That’s where they’d take her. It’s the middle of nowhere.”

Ian breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Scotty. You did the right thing.”

Eric and Charlie were watching him, their faces grim. He nodded, to tell them he had the information, trusting them to keep an eye on Scotty while he pulled out his phone and called the cell of the detective they were working with.

“Hernandez? Campbell. Got the location of where the laced marijuana’s being processed. Take this down.” He rattled off the directions Scotty had given him.

“And that’s solid? You’re sure? Well, we’ll need time to coordinate a strike with the DEA,” Hernandez replied.

“That’s your problem. Sofia Popov was snatched, and I have reason to believe this is where they’ll take her, so I won’t be waiting for you.” Ian added one more thing. “Oh, and send law enforcement to the parking lot at Southwest High School. The informant who provided the location is waiting there, and he’ll need special protection.”

He cut the connection while Hernandez was still yelling at him.

“If we can’t stand here waiting for the police, what are we doing about…” Eric indicated Scotty.

“This.” Ian got Scotty and led him to the back of the parking lot, where the dumpsters were. It was the work of a moment to tie Scotty to one. “Sorry,” he said, meaning it. “I’ll do what I can for you when all of this is over, okay?”

Scotty nodded, looking scared, but Ian couldn’t spare another second.

He had his lady to rescue…before it was too late.

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