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Charlie nodded. “I know.”

“But I didn’t feel this attraction, no, this attachment to her. To feel it to Sofia, after just such a short time? It’s bizarre. I don’t know about love at first sight, but certainly when I saw her again, in that hospital room, something was there that I’ve never felt before.”

“And…?” Charlie pinned him with his jade-green gaze.

“And it scares me,” Ian admitted, his voice almost a whisper. “It scares me even more than becoming a father for the second time.” There. He’d said it.

“Hmm.” Charlie finished his coffee and put his mug down, pushing it away. “Well, I pride myself on being observant, and you want to know what I see?”

Ian nodded. “Please.”

“I see a new relationship still trying to figure itself out. It’s early days, man—nothing is settled yet! But to me, it looks like the real thing. That’s my opinion, for what it’s worth.”

“The real thing,” Ian repeated, muttering the words under his breath.And wasn’t that just the scariest thing of all?

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