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“Don’t worry,” he said. “I’m going up with you.”

I have no idea why, but a gentle wave of peace washed over my body. The thought of having Kai next to me as I soared ridiculously high above the water was comforting.

Then thoughts of work broke in on my mind, and I broke out in a sweat. Suppose we didn’t fall from the sky to a watery death. Suppose I overcame my fear of heights. Suppose we enjoyed the magical beauty of the islands together in relative solitude.

Me and Kai. Alone.

That had the potential for a whole different kind of crashing and burning.

I resigned myself to my fate and enjoyed the warmth of Kai’s arm behind me. If I was about to die, I was going to soak up the last few moments of comfort I had left to me.

On the other hand, if I was going to fall even harder for the man I was supposed to destroy, I was going to savor this farewell embrace for as long as I could.

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