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“It’s Evie Cole. I –”


I slump back in my chair and close my eyes. This was a huge mistake.

“Don’t roll your eyes at me! I can see them moving even if you close them,” Miss Sebastian snaps at me.

I start to laugh because nothing escapes her attention.

When I look at her, the smile is still plastered all over her face.

“What do you need me to do?”

Finally, we get to the reason I sent her a message, asking if I could come over for coffee after work.

“I fucked up.”

I’ve never seen a smile vanish that fast before.

“What did you do?” Miss Sebastian pulls a face as if I’m about to throw shit at her.

“I didn’t trust Evie.” Confusion makes her eyes blink rapidly, so I quickly give her the short version. “I have some issues I’m dealing with. I don’t trust easily.”

Miss Sebastian's eyebrows pop up again, and I let out a heavy sigh.

“Of course I trust you. You know, it’s very distracting to have a conversation with your facial expressions.”

“You trust me with your little black heart. It’s all that matters. Carry on. You didn’t trust Evie because like my other chunk of hunks, you were too wrapped up in your asshole-ish selves to see a good thing when it was slapping you all right in the face.”

“That about sums it up. Good, we’re on the same page. I don’t know how to worm myself back into Evie’s life.”

“Babykins, I’ve seen your ding-dong when you had that godawful stomach bug. In my professional opinion, which counts for a hell of a lot, seeing as I see a fair amount of ding dongs on a daily basis, your ding-dong cannot be compared to a worm.”

She sucks in a breath of air after getting all of that out.

“Miss Sebastian, can you try and focus? We’re not talking about dicks now. We’re talking about me finding a way to get back into Evie’s life.”

“Well, that’s easy-peasy. Just pick up the damn phone and talk to the woman.” She gives me an incredulous look as if she can’t believe I haven’t thought of something so simple.

“I need to do something bigger than a call. Something that says I’m sorry for being a bastard.”

Miss Sebastian thinks about it for a while.

“My babykins,” she says, giving me a look filled with pity, “I’m afraid you only have two choices. You either call the woman, or you go see her in person. I, personally, would prefer you see her face to face. Doing anything else at this point will be a waste of your time, and honestly, plain creepy. You’re going to have to start slow and work your way back into her good graces the old-fashion way.”

I let out a heavy sigh. I’m scared to death that the second Evie hears my voice she makes a run for it.

Miss Sebastian switches on her phone, and I watch her type something. It gives me time to think about what she just said. Do I call Evie, or do I just show up at her place?

Miss Sebastian suddenly smiles triumphantly. The next second she puts the phone to her ear.

“Hi, Evie?” Her smile widens as my heart stops. “This is Miss Sebastian. I’m a friend of… oh, Willow mentioned me. That’s wonderful. Was it all good things?”

My mouth opens, but only a strangled sound comes out.

“Aww… that’s so sweet of my angel-girl. Anyhow, I’m also a close friend of Rhett Daniels. Oh, but not so close that we bow-chika-wow-wow. I’m happily married. But then, if I weren’t, I’d definitely consider it. You’ve seen the man. He’s seriously fine looking.”

“WHAT THE FUCK,” I mouth the words at her. I can’t believe she just said that to Evie.

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