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Chapter 19


I try to hide the grin on my face as I go fetch my clothes in the laundry room. I want to get dressed before Rhett is done showering.

Luckily I don’t run into anyone, and I manage to grab my clothes and make it back to the room in a few minutes. I turn my back to the bathroom and pull the shirt off. Fastening my bra, I take a second to arrange the girls in their cups. I shove the sweatpants down and pull my panties on. When I hear the water shutting off in the bathroom, I squeak and quickly yank my dress over my head. I rush to cover myself, but the material only makes it to my waist when I hear the bathroom door open.

“Fuck,” Rhett hisses behind me.

I stand frozen until I hear the bathroom door slamming closed and the water running again.

My eyes grow huge as I realize Rhett is taking another shower. Oh my gosh! Does that mean…? Is he…?

I’m pretty sure he’s masturbating in there, and it doesn’t escape my attention that all it took for him to get turned on was one look at my panty-covered butt.

I finish getting dressed and giving Rhett some space, I head down to the kitchen in search of coffee.


Things have been different between Rhett and I since I spent the night at his place four months ago.

One good thing that’s come out of it is that we’re spending more time together, and with every passing day, I’m falling harder for him.

Since the dry humping incident, there haven’t been any more intense moments between us. Rhett seems to be comfortable with only a friendship between us which leaves me pining from a distance.

It’s sad really. It kills a little piece of my heart every time I see Rhett flirting with another girl. I suppose it is what it is. There’s nothing I can do to change how Rhett feels about me.

Because I’ve been spending more time with Rhett, I’ve gotten to know the other guys better. I’ve learned that Carter isn’t as nice as I thought he was at first, and tend to stay out of his way.

Marcus isn’t much better, so I do my best to stay away from his broody glares. I’m not sure what his deal is, but it’s pretty clear he’s not one to be messed with.

Jaxson turned out to be surprisingly kind and funny, but I’m guessing that just like Rhett, he uses it as a wall to hide behind.

Logan is the quiet one in the group, and it’s clear as daylight he only has eyes for Mia. At least they still have a chance of being together, where that’s not the case for Rhett and me.

Rhett invited me to a party. I’ve heard about the infamous parties the guys have at their place, but this will be my first time going to one. I asked Willow to come with me, but she already has plans to go home for the weekend which is a bummer. It would’ve been nice to have her there with me.

Since Willow’s moved in, it’s been heaven. I never knew how amazing it could be sharing a home with another girl. She’s so easy to get along with. It was the most natural thing to fall into a friendship with her.

Although it’s spring, the nights are still pretty nippy. I’m standing in front of my closet trying to decide what I should wear when Willow walks into my room and comes to stand beside me.

All my clothes are practical. I don’t know what would be fitting to wear to my first party.

“Girl, we need to do something about this wardrobe you’ve got going,” Willow says, a look of torture making her furrow her brow while squinting. “This is a fashion disaster.”

“Geez, don’t hold back on account of my feelings,” I tease as I bump my shoulder against hers.

“My hands are itching to take it all and to transform it into pieces that won’t hurt my eyes.”

I smile as I glance at her. “I wouldn’t mind. Remember, I’ve seen your clothes. I’m not too proud to admit that I suck when it comes to fashion.”

“You don’t suck,” she says as she throws her arm over my shoulder and gives me a sideways hug. “You just need a push in the right direction.”

“I don’t know what to wear tonight,” I admit, biting my lower lip. I want to look pretty for Rhett.

Willow starts to look through my closet, her face scrunching with every single thing she doesn’t like. I’m about to lose hope when her face brightens up. She yanks out a pair of cut-off shorts I bought but haven’t had the guts to wear. Plus it’s been cold.

Shoving it against my chest, she says, “Hold this. I’ll be right back.”

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