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Pulling back to catch my breath I take in the moment. I open my eyes to find Ghost just watching me not saying a word. I open my mouth to speak when a small laugh breaks our stare down.

“Well, I see why your heart rate was elevated. Mine would be too if I had all of that kissing me that way,” my elderly nurse says as she takes my vitals. “Let’s try not to do that again, my friends, especially if you are wanting to go home today.”

“I would pay you good money to be able to go home today. I want to sleep in my own bed so damn bad it isn't even laughable,” I reply, laying back on my bed, Ghost never letting go of my hand.

“Would you like a chair young man?” my nurse questions Ghost.

“No ma’am. It’s been way too long since I’ve been next to my woman.” He tells her never breaking eye contact with me.

“Your woman?” I question him.

“That is a conversation for later, Tiny.”

“You’re right. I’m too damn tired to worry about it right now anyway.


“No, you are going to your apartment and I’m staying here. You’re making me fucking crazy!” I practically yell at the giant standing in a towel in the bathroom doorway.

“That’s not going to happen, Tiny. Either you come to my place or I stay here,” he shrugs, turning back to the bathroom and brushing his teeth in that fucking towel!

“Ghost you can’t just move in. My apartment manager won’t like it. I can only have one guest for fifteen days in a row!” I stomp my foot in frustration and anger trying to rein in the desire to strangle the orgasm god that’s been in my bed the last ten days.

Ghost stops brushing his teeth, turning slowly to look at me, “Did you just say orgasm god?”

“Oh fuck, you done it now,” that bitch in my head says narrow-eyed.

“I didn’t say anything other than you can’t continue to stay here,” I say with arms crossed across my chest.

“No ma’am. You called me an orgasm god. That’s a big name to live up to. I think I need to live up to that title right now,” he says, stalking towards me.

“No, you stay right the fuck there.” I take a step back putting space between us. I look around for an escape, knowing that there is no way I can get away from this man.

“Tiny, we both know that you won’t get very far. Why not just let this be what it is?” Ghost whispers, still stalking towards me.

“Ghost, stay your ass right there. I mean it, don’t you dare put your hands on me. I need a clear head for the conversation and we both know that when you put your hands on me I end up in bed,” I tell him, pointing a finger at him and still backing away.

I go to take another step back and before that foot hits the floor he has me thrown over his shoulder and heading for the bedroom. He closes the door behind us. Ghost slides me down his body until we are nose to nose.

“So I’m an orgasm god? What does one have to do to keep that title?” he whispers as he kisses across my cheek, nipping my ear, and down my neck.

Being the hussy that I am, I drop all resistance leaning my head back giving him free rein of my neck. I wrap my legs around his narrow waist, bringing his long, hard length into the perfect place. Moaning as the head of his cock bumps against my clit through my panties. I can’t take it, I need this man and I need him right now.

Fisting his hair, I tug his mouth away from my neck. He brings his eyes up to mine and I speak, “Ghost, fuck me. I need you now!”

“Oh, now look who is being demanding. I thought you didn’t want this.” Ghost lays me onto my desk, coming down over me. He runs his hands up my sides causing goose bumps to pop up all over my body.

“Ghost, please don’t make me wait. It’s not nice,” I whine, shifting my hips.

“Oh, my Tiny love, I never claimed to be nice”, he says huskily, grinning “So this is how it’s going to go. When you finally agree that we are moving out of this little shoe box and into my place you get to cum. With every decision we need to make, you get to cum when we can agree. Sound like a deal?” Ghose asks, kissing down my belly, licking just above my underwear.

“That’s never going to happen. Ghost, we’re not ready for that! We need our own space!”

“Not true, Tiny. I will not be without you ever. I spent too much time running from you and then I almost lost you. I will not spend any more time without you! So let’s see how long you can hold off, my dear.” he grins.
