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“Why don’t you show us what we should do instead of chilling on your belly on top of the hill?” Haunt throws back.

“Halt low,” Mirage demands. Phantom holds his fist up into the air making us all come to a stop and crouching low. The sound of two bodies hitting the ground is the next sound we hear. We don’t move until Mirage tells us it’s safe.

“Get to hustling. The hostile convoy is only two clicks out and moving fast,” Wraith, who is with Mirage's spotter, says.

We do just that. Our pace has almost doubled and we make it to our vehicles in no time. Phantom and Shadow get into the first vehicle with Yuri, his woman, mafia man, and Khloi while the rest of us pile into the second one.

Tiny stirs in my lap. Brushing the hair away from her face taking in the bruising on her face. The men in that building better be glad that they are dead, if not it would be a very long time before they finally die.

“I got you, my Tiny, and I’m never going to let you go again. You’re mine until my last breath,” I whisper to her over and over.

We stop the vehicles just long enough to load up our last two guys and burn rubber out of the pits of hell. A few minutes later, we pull onto the tarmac where the plane is waiting on us and load quickly. Moving quickly at this point is our only hope because that convoy and those assholes aren’t going to just let their cash cows go easily.

Just as I have that thought lights light up the tarmac, chasing our plane down the runway. My body goes completely tight as I wait for us to be shot out of the sky. The feeling of the wheels leaving the tarmac is when I finally take a breath. I look down at Tiny and relax knowing that the fuckers that tried to take and keep what was man are dead and now I have to fight to be sure I get to keep her.

“Fuck, you assholes like to cut things close,” mafia man says shaking his head.

“Why do something if there’s no risk?” Shadow says with a shrug.

“You SEAL fuckers really are a crazy ass bunch!” Yuri chuckles, holding his woman tightly.

During the flight, Haunt does a second bag of fluids and pushes meds into Tiny who lies so still that if it wasn’t for her chest moving I would think she was dead. After about three hours, Tiny stirs just a little, bringing my focus to her and away from the report I’m reading beside her on the bed.

“It wasn’t a dream. Fuck it wasn’t a dream,” she mumbles.

“Not a dream at all. You are safe. Rest, my Tiny,” I whisper.

“Haha! Yours? Now I know it’s a dream, the Ghost in real life didn’t want that,” she chuckles, shifting closer to me. The IV stops her movements.

“See a dream. I’m still chained to the ground.”

“No, silly woman, that’s an IV Haunt put in,” I chuckle, shaking my head.

“Yep, that’s what they all say. I’m going to sleep now! I’ll see you in my next dream.” She laughs, closing her eyes and snoring softly.
