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We decide to meet at the library. They close early on Sunday’s and Paul’s Tavern is just opening for the day. I ride with Archer, not seeing a need to drive separately since he’s already at my house. Besides Lena, we’re the first two there. Lena’s waiting at the door, holding it open for us and then locking it after she hustles us inside.

“If I don’t lock the door someone will come in and inevitably browse until I kick them out.” Lena explains as she ushers us in. Her shoulder is propped against the window as she keeps an eye out for the others. She looks her usual pulled together self, in a gray sweater dress and tights. Her hair is up in a bun and her glasses perpetually slip down her nose. Despite her typical polished appearance, she looks tired.

“Here’s Rhys,” she murmurs, bending to fix something on her shoe before opening the door. I turn in time to catch Archer very obviously staring at her ass.

“Dude.” I huff out a laugh, catching his attention. Archer frowns at me.


“You don’t know what you were staring at?” When the confused look stays plastered to his face, I shake my head. “Not my battle.”

“What?” Archer repeats, looking even more lost.

“Never mind.” If Rhys catches Archer staring at his sister’s ass, someone is going to get a fist in the face. I am not getting in the middle of that. I have my own issues I don’t even want to deal with.

There are study tables set up in a few spots around the library, and I head toward the closest one. It’s near the gas fireplace, which puts off enough heat to have me sitting on the opposite end of the table. Rhys takes the seat next to me while Archer continues to hover around Lena by the door.

“You might want to loosen up your jaw. You’re going to grind your teeth down to pegs if you don’t unclench.” Rhys leans back in his chair, propping his feet up on the table.

“Too late.”

Rhys chuckles, and I don’t know how the fucker can be so quick to laugh. He and Lena probably had a worse childhood than I did, but somehow neither one of them are constantly on the edge of losing their shit. Ruby and Ezra come in next, arguing about… who the hell knows. Those two can’t be in a room for more than two minutes without tearing into each other.

“Obviously a pineapple. You’re insane if you think another fruit could win.” Ruby looks ready to punch Ezra. About a pineapple?

“Have you seen the durian? Not only that, but the smell, God the smell. If the spikes didn’t do it, the foul odor would decimate that fucking pineapple.”

“It’s a pineapple, Ezra. It doesn’t have a sense of smell.” Ruby’s cheeks are flushed, and she looks pissed. Over fruit. Her purple hair hangs down her back, and she’s wearing leggings and an oversized hoodie that I’m pretty sure she stole from one of us. Ezra’s hair looks freshly buzzed. He always keeps it cropped close except for a year right after high school when he grew out a massive and incredibly impressive afro.

I swear the two of them look ready to throw down.

“What are you even arguing about this time?” Rhys stretches his arms over his head before lacing his fingers behind his head.

Ezra and Ruby turn their irritated glares on Rhys. That’s why I didn’t ask.

“Which fruit would win if they were in a fight.”

“Like, as a weapon?” Rhys screws up his face in serious contemplation.

“No, if the fruit came to life and fought, which one would win?” Ezra snarls as if Rhys’s question is stupid.

“Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize you meant the fruit was sentient. My bad.” Rhys’s mouth quirks in exasperation while Ezra shakes his head.

“It wouldn’t make any sense otherwise.”

I roll my eyes and murmur to Rhys. “Because it makes so much sense now.”

I hear the door shut again and cast a look, only to find Lena and Archer walking over with Miri. There’s a feeling in the pit of my stomach that’s suspiciously similar to worry. I swear there’s a vice around my heart, squeezing it and making the organ feel both constricted and too large for my chest, all at once. I try not to react, but my muscles tighten as I follow Miri’s movements. She’s greeting everyone around the table and Lena’s introducing her to Ezra, who she hasn’t met before.

When her eyes land on me, she doesn’t glance away. There’s no embarrassment or shyness in her gaze. In fact, I’d say she looks pissed off. Probably from my less than polite exit from her room last night, and my Houdini act this morning. She doesn’t acknowledge me other than that and eventually looks away as she settles into the seat nearest the fire, which is directly across from me. We’re technically at the heads of the table. I’m not going to examine how we ended up in those positions.

Lena swipes a hand at her brother’s feet, knocking them off the table before she sits down to my left. Ruby takes the seat next to her under Ezra’s annoyed glare across the table. There are no more chairs at the table so Archer grabs one from another table nearby and slides it in next to Miri, who’s face lights up with a bright smile. Archer tosses me a knowing grin as he crosses his arms, looking so smug it’s hard not to round the table and smack him in the head.

“Alright Davis. You called us all together. What’s up?” Lena’s always had a touch of teacher to her. Maybe it’s the librarian thing. Half the time she’s a wallflower and the rest of the time I swear she’s two seconds from whipping out a ruler and wrapping you over the knuckles.

I clear my throat, taking off my stocking cap to run my fingers through my hair before I tug it back down. I don’t like having eyes on me. Rhys and Archer are far better at being the center of attention, but I’ve always held an implied leadership role within the group. I don’t know how it became mine, but it’s a mantle I wear, even if I do it begrudgingly.

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