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“It’s okay. We’re okay.” I looked up when I heard Blake and Isaac come in. “We’re all okay.”

Julian kissed me again and then looked back at his brothers. “You hear that? We’re all okay.”

Isaac slapped his brother’s shoulder and then stroked my cheek. “I’m glad to hear it. I’m ready for things to settle down and get back to normal.”

I laughed. “What the hell is normal?”

Blake looked down at his phone and groaned. “Detective Crane is coming over to get your statement.”

“It’s all okay. I’m feeling stronger today. And I have a lot to say about those assholes.” I moved away from my men and pushed my braids behind my shoulders. “They’re going to be sorry they fucked with me when I’m done with them.”

Isaac cupped the back of my neck and pulled me in for a kiss. “See? Normal.”

“Sorry, Isaac, there’s nothing normal about this, but lucky for you, I like it.” I looked around at the three of them, plus my Hank in his father’s arms. “Lucky for me, you three like it.”

“We’re going to do dinner tonight. Kara already said she was taking Hank for the night. She’s called me six times today to check on the two of you. She isn’t taking no for an answer, and I’m not even going to try to tell her no. So, we’re going to dinner. We’re going to talk and figure out where we all stand.” Blake eased me into his arms and tugged my braids. “And maybe keep these. I really could get used to them.”

I grinned. “You’re all terrified of my sister, aren’t you?”

Julian shuddered. “She was waiting on me outside of the jail. She punched me.”

My mouth fell open. “No, she didn’t.”

“She did. I deserved it, so it’s fine.”

“Oh, you poor thing.” I laughed. “Did she hurt you?”

“I think you’re making fun of me.” Julian shook his head and gently bounced Hank. “And I think you’re unaware that Blake isn’t the only one who likes spanking.”

A wash of heat colored my face, but I met his gaze and lifted my chin. “Oh? You both like spankings? I’ve never tried spanking anyone before, but I’m sure I can manage.”

Isaac laughed and pulled me into him even as Blake reached for me. “Come with me, the only brother who doesn’t want to be spanked.”

“You think you’re so funny.” Blake grunted at Isaac and wagged his finger at me. “I’m going to remember this.”

The sound of a door slamming outside caught my attention, and I sighed. “That was fast.”

Blake immediately went into protection mode. “You sure you’re up to this? I can tell him to take a fucking leap.”

I smiled. “I’m up for it. Can we do it on the porch, though? I don’t want to bring it in here.”

“Of course.” Isaac nodded at his brothers. “I’ll grab you something to drink. Go on out.”

Sleep and fixing things with Julian were what I needed to find my strength. I took Hank and settled into one of the rockers, facing the detective. He asked me questions, and I answered thoroughly. I didn’t stop until I’d mentioned every detail of what I saw at their clubhouse, and I was assured that Mac and Reba would be in jail for a long time for the kidnapping, but also for drug charges and other warrants they already had out for their arrests.

When Detective Crane turned his attention to Julian, I grew weary. I could tell both Blake and Isaac did, too. If the man noticed the change in atmosphere, he didn’t register it. “You realize that running moonshine is illegal, right?”

I sat up straighter. “There was a kidnapping in your town, Detective Crane. That’s probably more important than whatever else you’re looking into.”

Blake growled. “And I heard that business was shut down. Not a drop left to be found.”

“Never heard anything confirmed about who was running it, either. Besides what that asshole Mac was shouting off about, but you can’t really trust a guy like that, can you?” Isaac’s face was hard while speaking to the detective, his instinct to protect his brother strong. “So, if we could focus, that’d be great.”

Detective Crane looked around at the four of us and shook his head. “I get it. I wasn’t trying to start anything. I just want to be sure that it is shut down, and if what you’re telling me is true, then we won’t have any problems.”

I smiled. “That’s great.”

He looked me over for a moment more and then smiled back. “Seems you boys got yourself a fighter. Good for you.”
