Page 163 of Light the Fire
How could I have been so stupid? With my waning health, I knew better than to trust Klyn, than to close my eyes around this sadistic, pathetic disgrace of a child.
My arms and legs thrashed as I struggled to get free, sucking in air but getting nothing. I clawed at Klyn’s hands where they held the pillow hard over my face, knowing I drew blood, but he didn’t so much as flinch.
I should have had him killed the moment we realized he wasn’t a Verian but just a stupid fucking Amlin. Weak and entirely unnecessary. My bloodline was superior and should produce Verians and nothing else. He was an abomination.
Black spots clouded my vision, and my lungs began to burn.
“I will show you, Father,” Klyn ground out above me, his words muffled through the pillow. “I will show you and the world that Amlins are not to be underestimated. I will end the revolution and return the country to its rightful place as the leader of the world. I will not cower like you have. I will not show my weakness as you have. I will rule the fucking world. Just you wait.”
His voice sounded distant now, like I was in a vacuum and he was far away. My vision was blurry, and no more than a faint point of light shone through all the encroaching blackness. My lungs screamed.
And then, nothing.
No more pain.
No more light.
No more anything.