Page 22 of Alluring Serenity

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I’m standing outside the theater with the excuse that I needed to take a call from my mother. Adam has yet to show up, but two of his friends are here, and they’re giving me the creeps. They offered to sit with me, which was nice, but the way they offered to keep me company was like they were implying something else. Luckily, Mom answered on the first ring.

“I’ve missed you so much!” Her excited voice is so loud in my ear that I have to hold the phone back a little.

I can’t stop smiling as I respond, “I’ve missed you too.”

“No, you haven’t! You’ve barely called me. I only get a text here and there, if I’m lucky.”

“I’m sorry.” I slouch as guilt weighs me down.

“Ah, don’t be. As long as you’re having a good time. You are, aren’t you?”

“I am. It’s so beautiful here. I’ve made a few friends, and everybody is great.”

We talk about this and that for a little while longer, and then I finally ask, “Hey, I was just curious. Someone asked me about my name, said they liked it and it was unique. Who came up with it?”

“Your father insisted we name you Serenity. Said he loved the name from the first time he heard it.” When I don’t say anything, she asks, “Why?”

“No reason. I was just wondering. I guess since I was missing you, it got me thinking of things we never talked about. I don’t know.”

“Aw. Baby, are you okay? Everything going okay with Fran?”

“It is. Truly. She’s been… great.”

Heavy footsteps approach, so I spin around and see Ashley walking toward me. He stops when our eyes meet.

“Mom, I gotta go.” But she keeps talking. I zone out for a moment to stare into Ashley’s eyes. He gives me a single nod of acknowledgement and then continues into the theater. He’s dressed nice. Is he here on a date? I don’t think I could sit through a movie and watch Ashley with another girl after being stood up by his brother. Adam still has—I check the time on the theater display—two minutes to get here. Five with commercials. I realize my poor mother is still on the phone, so I place it back to my ear.

“…you know, whenever you’re ready. You can come home at any time.”

“I know. I love and miss you. We’ll talk again soon. I promise. Bye.”

I ignore Adam’s friends, who are waiting in the lobby, watching me. Creepy. I notice Ashley at the concession stand, alone. With my chin held high, I go find my seat. In the dark theater, I try calling Adam for the third time. No answer. Even my texts have all gone unanswered. If he can’t make it, that’s fine, but at least let me know. What if something happened?

“Sugar!” Adam’s friend says as he plops down next to me, while his other friend takes the seat on my other side. “I don’t think we’ve actually been introduced. I’m Tyson. That’s Lennox. Seems Adam’s not going to make it.”

Lennox leans toward me. “But it’s your lucky night. You’re getting two for one.”

I start to stand, but Tyson places his hand on my arm. “Hey, we came just for you. We didn’t want you sitting alone. Now you’re going to run off? What’d we do wrong?”

“Adam should’ve called me himself. I’m going to go check on him.” I jerk my arm free, but Lennox places a hand on my shoulder, firmly pushing me back down into the seat.

“We can all go together after the movie.”

The lights dim more, until the theater has turned to black as the surround sound booms. Why would Adam do this to me? Did he really know his creepy friends were coming in his place? Did he send them? After what we shared last night…

“Get the fuck up and get lost.” Ashley’s voice is low and threatening.

“What are you doing here?” Lennox asks.

“You’re in my seat. Final warning.”

Lennox stands, but Tyson is smirking at Ashley. He turns to me and asks, “Would you really rather sit with this broody ass than us? I guarantee we’ll be a lot more fun. Like Adam.”

I feel vomit at the back of my throat. He told them. The way his eyes are on me in the dark theater makes me feel violated. “You’re in his seat.” I barely manage to get the words out through my fury and hurt. I feel dirty and nauseous.

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