Page 8 of Deception

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My throat tightened at the masked hurt in those honeyed eyes, but I forced myself to turn and leave him standing in the garden. I could feel his eyes on me as I walked away, but I refused to look back. If I did, he’d know this was almost as hard for me as it was for him. He had enough power in this situation, I wouldn’t give him even more.

Once I was out of sight of the garden door, I slowed my stride, presented with a new problem.

Now what?

With returning to my room not being an option, I was at a bit of a loss. Jesse and Rocky might be up to hanging out, but I wasn’t sure where they were at the moment. The prospect of hunting them down wasn’t all that appealing, either. Which left me with going to the library or wandering out on the grounds as alternatives.

Then again, I was in the wing of the school that was filled with empty classrooms, and it was much cooler in the halls than it was outside in the sun. I wished I’d brought my phone so I could listen to music, but the silence would allow me time to work through my complicated feelings for Remy. And Sam. And Darrio.

And Varon.

Ugh. That last one irritated me so much, but there was no denying it. And I’d tried. Oh, how I’d tried. But there was something underneath the bastardly behavior that called to me. A siren song I struggled in vain to ignore.

Which made Varon a siren. And me a pirate. Which of course made me envision him sitting on a rock with a mermaid tail, singing his heart out while I steered my pirate ship toward him, my buccaneer hat flying off my head in my haste to reach him.

Fucking hell, even as a mermaid, he was beautiful. That deep brown skin glistened in the sun, rippling muscle catching every ray. It was like I could hear the pretty asshole luring me to my death.

Killer, Killer, Killer…

“Killer!” The snapped word drew me out of my very strange fantasy, but not before I barreled right into the object of it. Varon gripped me by the biceps, hands warm and gentle, despite the irritation on his face. “What the hell, didn’t you hear me?”

I jerked back like I’d been burned by his touch. Which I supposed I had.

“Sorry, I was lost in thought.” His head cocked like he was waiting for me to elaborate, but it’d be a cold day in the underworld before I ever spilled that tidbit.

Note to self: find out if it’s cold in the underworld, or if it’s literally hot as Hell.

“Well, watch your ass, Killer. Someone else might not be so nice as to keep you from falling like me.”

There was no holding back my scoff. “That was ‘nice’ to you? Not just common decency?”

“Common decency isn’t very common, now is it?”

Okay, that was a fair point.

“What are you even doing here? Skulking around to prey on innocent students? Find ways to get them into trouble with Alvina?” Just the memory of how he’d taken my phone and gotten it confiscated revived the burning fury in my chest.

He scowled and crossed his arms over his chest. I would not look at those arms and how good they looked flexed like that. He didn’t deserve the admiration or the satisfaction.

I looked.


“I do not ‘skulk.’”

“Skulker. Without a doubt.”

“You’re interrogating me, what are you doing here? There’s nothing here for nosy, uptight—”

“Are you serious right now? I’m nosy and uptight? How the hell do you figure?”

“Isn’t that how you keep getting into trouble? Because you’re always sticking your nose into places it doesn’t belong?”

“What? No!” My heart thudded in my chest as my temper built. The redhead with a temper myth had always been true with me, but Varon threatened to take me to unheard of levels of anger. “I’ve gotten in trouble because dicks like you and your girlfriend have gone out of your way to fuck with me from the moment I walked through the front door.”

“She’s not my girlfriend.”

“Really? That’s what you took from that? No refuting the fact that you’ve had a hard-on for me since the second you saw me?” I heard it. As soon as I said it, I heard it. His full, perfect lips curled into a grin that made my face burn. “Dammit, you know what I meant.”

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