Page 65 of Deception

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I wanted to say that, to tell her how stupid she was being about this whole situation that she’d brought down on us. Even if I could have spoken, my words would have stilled in my throat at what she pulled out.

Illyria had come prepared.

Sneaky bitch! She hadn’t heard me, she’d had a fucking vision that I would be here! It was the only way to explain the coiled rope hanging over her arm and the knife she brandished.

“Ready for some fun?”

My mind screamed for her to back the fuck up, but of course, she heard nothing. She came closer and dropped to her haunches in front of me.

“Let’s see how many of those boys are still panting after you when I’m done. My guess is zero, but I’ll concede you could probably keep one of them hanging on out of desperation. But I’ll tell you something.” She leaned in close to my ear, and I could hear the smirk in her voice. “It won’t be Varon.”

Her overzealous obsession with him was crazy, and truthfully a little scary if these were the lengths she was prepared to go to. He said he’d broken up with her before I even came to Divinity, so the fact that she seemed to think I was the sole reason they weren’t together floored me.

And now here she was, leaning over me with a knife in her hand over a guy who didn’t even want me. Well, mostly.

“Let’s start with this…” She slid the knife beneath my shirt and I waited for her to stab it straight into my gut. When the cold metal touched my flesh, though, it was the dull edge that pressed against me. With a jerk, she sliced through my top, leaving my skin exposed to the cool night air. She repeated the motion with my bra, and I could have sworn my heart was going to jump from my chest from beating so hard.

My mind flashed back to being tied to a chair while Heath put his disgusting hands all over my body. I didn’t know what Illyria had in mind, but it had to be a thousand times worse if I was naked and there was a knife involved.

The bottoms I had on went the way of the shirt, sliced away until I wore only panties. When those went too, I couldn’t focus enough to think coherent words.

I was naked, immobilized, and at the mercy of someone who hated me. I was fucked in a metaphorical sense, and pretty soon, it looked like it would be the literal sense too. Was Heath biding his time, standing behind a tree, watching while he waited to make his grand entrance?

I struggled against whatever hold Illyria had on me, tried to force my muscles to move until they ached. Sweat broke out over me from the futile effort, cooling my overheated skin as it trailed down my body and onto the forest floor.

Illyria stood back to admire her work. The blood glistening on the knife was the only way I knew she’d broken my skin. In accordance with the laws of the universe, once I realized I’d been injured, it began to hurt like hell. The cuts on my flesh burned, but I could tell they weren’t deep enough to do real damage.

She must be saving that part.

“Ready for step two? Wouldn’t want you going anywhere when the spell wears off.”

Spell? This was magic? I assumed someone must have been the God of Immobilizing Stupid Girls Who Don’t Pay More Attention to Their Surroundings When Surveilling Their Mortal Enemies or something, but even as my frantic mind thought it, I knew that was impossible.

I mean, seriously, the name was just too long.

Is this really the time for this, Thea? Is being snarky going to help you out of this situation?

Probably not, but it made me feel a little better. Feel more like me. And I wasn’t a poor, helpless damsel, I could defend myself against one vindictive bitch.

Or I was going to die trying.

Whatever she’d done was strong, but it couldn’t be unbeatable. There had to be a way to circumvent it, I just had to figure out how.

Before she did anything worse.

I really didn’t like how she was unwinding that rope, and I liked it even less when she began to loop it around my ankles. When she grabbed ahold of my wrist and jerked it lower, I realized I might not be able to work my limbs, but she could move me.

I thought she was about to tie my hands in front of me, attaching them to my ankles, but she pushed me so I was on my stomach and brought my feet up to meet my wrist. When the other one joined it and I was thoroughly hog-tied, she dusted off her hands and once again took in the results of her handiwork.

The way she’d shifted me, I could barely see her, but I did my best to keep an eye out for that blade. I might not be able to defend against it, but I needed to know if it was coming for me. In the corner of my eye, I thought I saw movement, and my heart soared for a split second. But when no one came forward to my rescue, it quickly plummeted back to my current hell.

No one had come to save me, it must have been an animal.

Too bad it wasn’t a wolf that was keen on tearing out Illyria’s heart.

“You’re really getting off easy, you know that?”

How the fuck did she figure?

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