Page 44 of Deception

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I wondered if one of the students had power over time travel. I would have to look into it. Hell, if Heath wasn’t the devil incarnate, I could have asked him to wipe away Varon’s memories of our initial interactions. But nothing would ever bring me to the point where I would ask that piece of shit for anything.

So me asking Varon for a do-over would simply have to suffice.

“Can we just forget all the crap that has happened between us so far?”

“All of it?”

“Yes, all of it. Some memories are more pleasant than others, but if I keep those, I’ll always remember how they came to pass. I would rather create new ones where we are on the same page from the very start.”

“Ah, so you do want to recreate that memory?”

“What? No, I don’t—I mean, that’s not what I was getting at, I was trying to say—”

Varon’s deep laughter was smooth as honey as it flowed over me, sticking to me as it slowly coated—you know what? No.

That sounded gross and like a terrible mess. The kind of mess I wanted Varon to make of me was far more carnal and less likely to attract ants.

“I get it, Killer. And I agree. Sam is the best friend I could have ever asked for, but our friendship almost ended after that. That’s not the kind of bullshit you pull without people’s consent. I had no idea you didn’t know who I was.”

I couldn’t agree more, but I had to be honest. It kinda surprised me to hear Varon voice the same opinion. Sadly, the world had taught me to expect a guy to brush it off as no big deal, or even something I should have been grateful for.

Score one for Varon.

“You and Sam seem like such polar opposites. I wouldn’t have pegged you guys as besties.”

“Because our abilities are the antithesis of one another?”

“No, more because he’s all sunny and happy, while you’re… not.”

“Sounds like you’re describing you and River to me.”

“Touché.” I didn’t think River and I were as wildly different, but I guess I couldn’t really know what it looked like from the outside. More than what he thought of my friendship with River, there was something I wanted to ask him if I could figure out how to voice it without sounding like I was picking a fight.

He looked over and our gazes locked for a long second. My head tilted back slightly so I could see him clearly, which only made me feel more exposed when his eyes broke away from mine to rake down my body.

“I know what you want to hear, Killer. The question eating away at your mind.”

“Y-you know the… wait what?” The words were stuttered and a little breathy, my coherence stolen by the rich tones in his voice. There was an edge of seduction I didn’t think was intentional.

But did that mean I was being easily seduced, or that he was unconsciously putting that sexy growl in his voice?

“You want to know.” He leaned closer, and everything inside me clenched. And I do mean everything. I’d been sitting here only moments ago thinking of how much I couldn’t stand this man, yet here I was, wet from more than the damp grass beneath my ass. “So just ask me.”

“Ask you?”

“Ask me how often I’ve thought of our time together. How many times I’ve wished I didn’t have to hate you so I could get you back into my bed and show you how good it can be between us.”


I hadn’t actually been wondering that, but I sure as shit was now. Unfortunately—or maybe thankfully—my pride and an abundance of caution wouldn’t let me ask.

“I was actually wondering why you hated me on sight. Do you loathe all new people, or was that something reserved especially for me?”

He pulled back, the desire that had heated his expression taking a moment to clear. “I didn’t—that’s not what I, I mean, if you…”

Part of me was pleased he was having the same difficulty forming coherent sentences that I’d experienced. It was good to know I wasn’t the only one affected.

“I’m serious, I don’t hate you, Killer.” He must have thought I was rolling my eyes in disbelief. Yeah, sure, we’d stick with that. “You don’t know how to do it yet because they don’t teach it until your second year, but the rest of us can sense the power of others. It’s almost like an aura that exudes from our souls, and yours is immense.”

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