Page 4 of Deception

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Ishould have remembered one fundamental truth: you’re never really alone when your archnemesis is lurking in every shadowy corner.

And on every plush couch in the living room you both share.

Archnemesis. Why did I suddenly feel like a comic book character? There had been people I didn’t care for in high school and undergrad, but I couldn’t say I’d had an actual enemy until I arrived at Divinity. Now? I had an HVIC, and that Head Villain in Charge came complete with her own minions in tow.

How things have changed.

Illyria Duke’s newly white hair—courtesy of yours truly—swung as she turned to see who’d come into the room, the formerly blonde locks brushing her shoulders. The warm brightness of Kate’s welcoming smile was blotted out by Illyria’s dark sneer, which obliterated her pixie-like cuteness. I wasn’t in the mood for her shit, especially when she was the cause of most of the problems that had befallen me in the past few months.

“Hey, Thea!” Kate’s chipper greeting pulled an involuntary smile from me. Besides my roommate and certain male students I was intent on ignoring, Kate had been the most welcoming person in this gods-forsaken school. It still eluded me how she and Queen Bitch were friends in the first place.

“Morning. How’s it going?”

“Great, we’re making our plans for the party tomorrow night.”


Illyria shot me a scowl. “If you don’t know, you shouldn’t be there. Means you weren’t invited.”

“Lyrie, be nice!” Kate nudged her friend, chuckling like Illyria’s snide words had been a joke. I could never really tell if Kate was clueless or just ignoring her friend’s shitty behavior. “Everyone who passed their exams gets to head into the city for the night as a reward. The upperclassmen usually rent out a space and put out flyers for the locals.”

“Locals are invited, too? Damn, who’s footing the bill for that?”

“Eh, I assume the school deals with it. I’m just glad they do. I get sick of looking at these same faces day in and day out.” Kate giggled and cocked her head to the side. “Then again, maybe you don’t. You’ve got quite the collection of eye candy.”

My cheeks flamed. “I don’t—I mean, they’re just—”

Kate waved a hand, her grin wide. “Hey, I don’t blame you. I can only imagine what that’s like.”

“Call a hooker, I’m sure she’ll be able to describe it in vivid detail.”

I glared at Illyria, but said nothing. Alvina’s latest reprimand sounded in my head and I refused to let this spiteful bitch cause me any more problems. For now, my palms would have to bear the brunt of my anger.

Forcing myself to relax, I kept my attention on Kate. “I got my phone back, text me the info and I’ll be there.” With only a quick glare at the white-haired demon on the couch, I headed into my room.

My roommate and best friend, River, was nowhere to be seen, and I wasn’t sure if I was relieved or disappointed. Being the strong, silent type, she was a great sounding board. My goal was to get her to open up more, though. Once she did, maybe she’d be more willing to offer advice instead of grunting at me when I poured out my troubles to her.

I dropped onto the bed and finally pulled out the phone I’d tucked into my back pocket. I’d never felt so naked as when I was without it for those few weeks. Well, that wasn’t true. When a certain beautiful dickhead had burned the only memento I had of my dead father in front of half the school while calling me a whore, I’d felt pretty damn exposed. Nevertheless, the electronic device in my hand felt like the return of a lost limb.

A dead lost limb.

There would be no pulling up my photos and messages to make sure nothing had been deleted just yet. I plugged it into the charger on my bedside table, kicked off my shoes and curled up on the bed. The day had barely begun, and I was already exhausted. Between Alvina, Sam, and Illyria, my foes had sapped all my strength.

Is Sam really a foe?

My inner voice was a thirsty bitch, and I would not give her the response she desired. No matter that I was just as parched. Damn. How had I gone from single and completely… self-sufficient to needing not only one man, but multiple?

The stress of my morning took me over as sleep dragged me down with visions of four sets of hands running over my body.

I didn’t know how long I’d been asleep when the sound of my door banging open made me jump upright in bed.

“I don’t know, we can always—oh, shit, were you asleep? My bad, Thea.” Benedict’s smile was genial as he stepped further into my room to let River pass him. She didn’t look nearly as sorry for having woken me, but I was too glad to see her to care.

“Riv! I’ve been waiting for you to get back.”

“Waiting or sleeping?”

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