Page 39 of Deception

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If there was one word to describe Kate’s expression, it was “busted.” Her face flamed and her gaze darted over my shoulder to where Brodgan presumably still sat.

“Oh, hey, Thea. I was just, uh, I needed to speak to Professor Brodgan. About an assignment. For class.”

That may have been plausible if Brodgan didn’t only teach first-year students. She seemed to realize her mistake as soon as I did, and her flush deepened.

“Miss Corden is helping me prepare a project for the first-year students. Sometimes I have upperclassmen help out, as I did with Mr. Holt and Miss Duke during your training sessions.”

They sure were offering up a lot of information for something that was, at the end of the day, none of my business.

“Okay, well, I’m gonna go and, uh… bye.” I ducked past Kate, not failing to notice the soft click of the classroom door as she closed herself inside. I wasn’t about to nose into that, at least not now. After the invasiveness of Brodgan’s training, I needed some time to regroup alone, and nothing sounded better than heading out into the gardens.

Which, of course, meant that as soon as I rounded the corner to leave the building, I was stopped by a tall figure standing in my way.

“I’ve been looking for you.” As always, that voice did funny things to me. When paired with the intense golden eyes, it was enough to have my pulse thrumming faster in my throat.

“Now, why would you be looking for me?”

Remy’s brow lifted, his gaze raking over me in a pointed perusal that made me shift my stance. “Because I want to get you alone, of course.”

There was no way I was imagining the suggestion in his tone, but I ignored it. I was still irritated with him, after all. His habit of withholding information wasn’t something I was willing to put up with.

“What do you want, Remy?” Patience was a virtue I was sorely lacking at the moment, no matter how he stirred me up. Every minute I remained indoors was adding to my agitation.

“We haven’t had a chance to talk since the night of the party.”


“Come on, Fury, how long are you going to be pissed at me?”

I shrugged and answered honestly. “Until I’m not anymore. I don’t have an end date scheduled on my calendar or anything.”

“And I’m supposed to simply stay away from you until you decide you’re over it?”

“That’s about the sum of things.” I was suddenly exhausted. Well, more exhausted. It seemed like the shit just kept coming from all sides.

“Fury, you need me. You need to keep practicing with your abilities—”

“And I am. I just came from Brodgan’s classroom. He helped me channel my power.”

“Maybe, but only one side of it. Unless you suddenly decided you felt safe telling him you have the power to take life as well.” I hadn’t, and he knew it. “Fury, if you don’t take care to learn to understand both sides of your nature, one will outpace the other and you’ll lose control.”

He was right.

Fuck, he was more than right, and I’d already experienced just how bad the fallout could be. I lost my cool for mere moments and four bodies had dropped.

How many would it be next time?

“It’s so scary.” My words came out a tiny whisper, but Remy flinched like he’d taken a punch to the gut. His face fell and he took a step toward me, arms extended, but I stepped back before he could encircle me. “It’s absolutely terrifying, but I don’t know if I can trust you to be my guide anymore. Not when you continually keep things from me.”

His hands clenched into fists and dropped back to his sides. An exasperated huff escaped his lips, and he shook his head. “You know, Thea, you’re going to have to get over that. Fuck, I messed up, okay? But at the end of the day, you need me. You need my help or you’ll lose control again and wind up killing someone you don’t mean to.”

I already have.

It was right there. The words sat perched on the tip of my tongue, a single breath from tipping over the edge and spilling out into the world. I could tell him. He’d understand, I knew he would. All I had to do was confess and he could help share the burden.

“Suck up your pride and stop being so gods damned stubborn.”

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