Page 27 of Deception

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Now I knew why Remy was so adamant that I master the ability. It was for times like this, when I needed it and couldn’t spare the time to sit down and meditate.

Like it was choreographed—boy-band, I’m telling you—they took a unified step forward, then another, slowly closing the distance between us.

“Should have minded your own business. If you hadn’t decided to play hero, you could have just gone about your night.” Latino Guy flipped his knife from one hand to the other, showing off a skill he probably thought was pretty impressive. Might have been, if not for the things I’d seen.

If not for the things I’d done.

“Oh, I’ll be going about my night just fine when this is over.” I could stop like I had with Illyria the night I’d turned her hair white. Bring them to the brink of death so they’d learn not everyone was as helpless as they may appear.

I could also just call the police, like I’d said. Then I only had to keep them talking until the cops arrived.

As I thought it, I knew it wasn’t an option. The cop ship had sailed the minute I called out to leave Timmy alone.

“Bitch is crazy.” Blond Guy smirked at his comrades, stepping forward and breaking rank. He must have been the lead singer. “I like crazy. Maybe when we’re done with you, we’ll take you home with us and teach you how to use that mouth properly.”

I was coming up with a snappy retort when he lunged.

It was probably for the best. I really didn’t have a good comeback.

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