Page 20 of Deception

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Of all the fucking people to walk in…

Darrio gained his wits first and reached behind me to pull my dress down over my ass. What an obscene picture we must have presented, his thick—and still fully hard—cock buried inside me while a gaggle of people stood watching.

I was boneless from the force of my climax, my pussy still twitching around him, and in all honesty, I wasn’t done. But what choice did I have? The combination of lust and alcohol urged me to stay where I was and put on an encore performance, but saner heads prevailed.

Darrio took charge of the situation and shifted me.

If it had been left to me, it would have been a far more uncoordinated affair, but he kept my dress in place and tucked himself away discreetly before setting me beside him and standing to face the intruders.

“Don’t stop on our account. I’m sure Thea’s used to performing for a crowd. I think I might even have some singles on me.” Illyria patted her hips dramatically, as if there was a chance in hell she could hide wads of cash in that skintight dress.

“Watch your fucking mouth.” Darrio’s growl was full of warning, but she just cocked her head.

“Don’t worry, Sexy, we’d tip you, too.” She called him “Sexy” with a sneer of disdain, but there was no denying the underscore of desire. “In fact, I could step in if you’d like. No need to settle for the understudy when you can have the lead.”

Rage boiled in my chest, but since I was behind Darrio surreptitiously trying to fix my panties, there wasn’t much I could do.

“I wouldn’t fuck you with a dildo on a six-foot pole.”

A couple of the guys with her—mortals, I saw when I had adjusted my panties and stood to join Darrio—snickered at the insult. Illyria’s face darkened with rage and Xanaya stepped into sight from just beyond the door frame. Jackie and her shadow, Denice, were visible between two of the humans.

The gang’s all here.

“Why do you bother with her, Darrio? She’ll just run back to one of the others and fuck them before your dick is even dry. You could do so much better.” Xanaya tipped her chin up. There was an arrogant challenge in her eyes, but the way she thrust her barely contained chest up and settled her hands on her hips screamed of invitation.

“Just because you’d be stupid enough to throw away treasure because you had to share it with others doesn’t mean I am.”

My face flushed and my heart thudded. Is that how he really viewed things, or was he only saying that to shut them up?

“Trash divided four ways is still trash, Evans.”

I reached down and grabbed Darrio’s clenched fist, holding it tightly so he couldn’t step forward. Every tense line in his body said he was going to get right in their faces and let them have it, but that was drama we didn’t need.

“It’s fine.” His furious gaze dropped to me, flames licking behind his irises as his banked rage threatened to spill over. “Ignore them.”

My whisper hadn’t been as low as I thought it was.

“Looks like your little whore has finally learned better than to fuck with us. Wouldn’t want you to have to learn that same lesson.”

“Yeah? And what exactly did you do to her, Illyria? Tell me every detail so I can make sure you get it back tenfold.”

“Didn’t tell him, Thea? Too ashamed of how pathetic you were?”

Illyria’s taunts and Xanaya’s smirk took me right back to that empty room the night Remy lost control of his power and I fled into something worse. I could practically feel the restraints confining me to the chair, Heath’s hands on my body.

Heat suffused me, emanating from the depths I took such care to avoid. My ability to give life was lauded as exceptional by the professors, but it was the other side of that coin that only a few close friends knew about that was terrifying.

As my control started to slip, prickles ran over my skin and goosebumps erupted everywhere.

“Red?” I ignored Darrio, my alcohol-strengthened fury charging the surrounding air. The others could feel it, too. Real fear flickered on Illyria’s face and a hand went to her hair. She knew what I could do, no matter how much of a badass she pretended to be.

“Thea!” He snapped my name this time, and it was his tone combined with his use of my real name that tore my attention from Illyria and her pack of assholes. “Let’s go.”

He twisted his hand in mine, and I realized I had a death grip on him. I immediately loosened my hold, but before I could let go, he’d turned his palm up and twined his fingers through mine.

“Move.” He bit out the command, causing Jackie, Denice, and the mortals to scuttle aside. The humans clearly sensed the power exuding from Darrio, even if they didn’t understand it.

Illyria and Xanaya, however, didn’t have nearly as much sense. They remained in front of the door, blocking our path.

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