Page 1 of Deception

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Mummifying the headmistress will only make the situation worse.

The mantra repeated in my head on a loop as I clutched the small black device. Being without my phone for the past few weeks had been like losing a limb, and all because that asshole decided to turn me in for communicating with the outside world.

The hard edges dug into my flesh, but I didn’t loosen my grip even a fraction. I’d be damned if someone was going to take it from me again.

“We expect there will be no further disregard for the rules of this institution, Miss Keres. After looking into the matter, we are aware you did not respond to Evelyn’s message, which is the only reason your phone is being returned to you.”

As always, she refused to refer to her as my mother. Also as always, it infuriated me.

Still, I held my tongue.

With my teeth.


“Because the intent behind the message was goodbye, we’ve determined she won’t be a further risk that will require us to take action. I trust you will not make us regret this decision.” Alvina Day’s words were crisp and commanding, her face stern with warning and the expectation of obedience.

Yeah, well, she wasn’t the only one who was pissed at this whole situation. Masking my irritation was arduous, but I was so close to getting out of there. I had enough stacked against me without getting even further onto Alvina’s bad side. No telling what awaited me at the number one spot on a goddess’s shit list, especially the goddess who called all the shots at Divinity Preparatory Academy.

I’d only been at the school for a few months, and yet I’d managed to find myself in trouble time and again, no matter how I tried to avoid it.

Like my current predicament. I’d followed the “no contacting your human parents” rule since arriving, but one sexy, spying asshole had landed me in hot water without stopping to get the facts of the situation. It wouldn’t have been so bad if it didn’t also put Mom at risk.

He would pay for that before my time at Divinity Prep was done.

“I’m sorry, Headmistress Day. There won’t be any further issues.”

“See that there aren’t, Miss Keres.”

I just… I just said that. Didn’t I just say that?

I bit my tongue again—hard enough to taste copper this time—and gave her a nod as I stood to leave. I hoped it looked deferential instead of sharply annoyed, but I sincerely doubted my acting skills were that good.

A pinched tightness between my shoulder blades loosened with every step I took toward the door. By the time I placed my hand on the cool brass handle, I almost felt normal.

“Miss Keres?”

And there was that pinch again.

I schooled my expression before turning to face her. “Yes, Headmistress?”

“Your training with Professor Brodgan will resume, along with your standard courses, on Monday. Your progress in manifesting your power has thus far been insufficient.”

Refusal was right on the tip of my tongue, but what was the point? The choice was out of my hands, no matter that the last thing I wanted was Professor Brodgan digging deeper into my erratic power.

“I’m sorry, Headmistress. I’ll do my best to improve.” I forced it out through gritted teeth, letting myself out of her office before my reminders not to drain the life out of the headmistress lost their efficacy.

Any hope I had of my mood improving was dashed when I came face-to-face—or face-to-clavicle—with a gorgeous blond bastard before I made it two steps down the hall. Sam’s brow furrowed, eyes glinting with concern as he reached out and cupped my elbow.

“Is everything okay, Puff? What did Day want?”

I had never snatched away from someone so quickly. Sam’s blue eyes widened, and he didn’t bother to hide the hurt shining in them.

“Do. Not. Touch me.” He might think three days was enough time for me to cool down. It wasn’t. The magma center of my rage was still bubbling away. That tended to happen when someone took away my choices.

“Puff, come on, I—”

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