Page 7 of Flame Difference

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Azura woke up to the sound of a lawnmower starting. She sat up straight, slightly panicked, and then realized what was going on.

It had been going on for the past two weeks, yet Azura couldn’t quite get a grasp on it. It had been her goal for some time, ever since her parents passed, and it was finally happening. A few times, she woke up, thinking for a good few minutes that she was having a lucid dream.

Azura got out of bed and gazed out the window. The property had been transformed from an abandoned old relic to a shining event space. The grass had been trimmed, with new seeds planted that seemed to have grown rapidly into an intense green shimmer.

The deck had been torn down and replaced with an entirely fresh and modern take. Even a gazebo made of iron and glass, that shone in the early morning light, had been placed in the center of it.

Stunned, gratitude filled her, but still, a tiny suspicion remained. Azura didn’t rely on people anymore. Since her parents passed, a permanent veil of cynicism had been cast over her mind and heart.

So, meeting someone like Gerri was strange, and she continued to approach the entire situation with caution.

As Azura gazed out the window and contemplated, she spotted Gerri’s car pulling into the driveway.

“Shit,” she whispered.

Azura threw jeans and a T-shirt on to greet Gerri at the door. As she descended the stairs, she observed a trail of attendants holding clothing in transparent bags over their hands and siphoning into the living room. Others held what looked like shoe boxes, as well as boxes full of assorted necklaces and bracelets.

She trotted down the stairs and met with Gerri, who looked bright-eyed and intriguing so early in the morning.

“Good morning, beautiful,” Gerri said with a grin.

She had a vibe about her that was both motherly and friendly. Like she would support you to the ends of the earth while at the same time giving you tough love that might help you out of the wretched situation.

These blended features were slowly drawing down Azura’s guard.

Azura smiled, not really in agreement with the compliment.

“What’s all this then?” Azura asked, motioning to the boxes and bags of clothing.

The attendants had placed them on the shamefully worn-out couch. Gerri paid no attention to it, though, and merely cupped her hands with excitement.

“I’ve brought you and Martin a selection of outfits for the luncheon today!” she said enthusiastically. “Also, there are some shoes, and a selection of accessories, if that suits you.”

Gerri was gleaming like this wasn’t the first time she had provided so profoundly for someone. Azura looked around at some of the dresses, feeling both excited and embarrassed at the same time.

“This is so much, Gerri,” Azura began. “I don’t know how I can ever repay you.”

Gerri raised an eyebrow, then redirected her attention to the stairs behind Azura.

“I see a nice, handsome, young man waiting in the wings,” she said.

Azura turned to find her brother lingering on the long staircase, wearing sweatpants and a hoodie. He was looking at his phone with that classic teenage look that screamed a single, focused message.

“I’d rather not be here.”

Martin did not look up when Gerri addressed him. Azura turned to face him, crossing her arms with a predetermined disappointment.

“Martin,” she hissed.

He looked up at his sister, an expression of disinterest still painted over his young face.


Azura widened her eyes and motioned subtly with her head to Gerri behind her. It was a look that siblings and very close friends shared. It was a look that pleaded for them to get their shit together and be respectful.

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