Page 68 of Flame Difference

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“Why do I have to do this?” he asked, his voice high. “Can’t I just stay on Nova Aurora?”

“Martin,” Onyx said, putting a hand on his shoulder. “It’s very bad for interplanetary relations if we harbor a criminal and don’t let Earth’s system of justice work to its own laws. You have to be held accountable.”

“You could hide me. Tell them I’m dead.”

Onyx laughed softly. “And what if you want to come back, someday? I know that Kyra wants to visit Earth. Believe it or not, there will be times you wish to visit again. It’s better to get this over and done with.”

Martin tried to take a deep breath and failed. He looked at the big double doors where a lawyer and client were headed inside. His face paled even further.

“Martin,” Onyx said softly. “Remember your lessons. An alpha is not afraid of anything. You are a dragon prince, and you represent Nova Aurora and my palace.”

Martin nodded, still looking at the door with wide eyes.

“Assess, calculate, act,” Onyx said. “What is the worst thing that can happen? Jail. That’s unlikely. Juvenile detention? Possible. Also, not likely. In the probable category, we have community service, a fine, perhaps a criminal record with a small punishment.”

“Jail?” Martin echoed, sweating. Onyx gave him a hard stare.

“So what? You can take it. You can overcome any physical and mental challenge the world throws at you, right?”

Onyx could see that his words had a profound effect. For the past few weeks, Martin had been training rigorously every day, working his dragon and his human body to the limit.

He had also attended classes in etiquette and diplomacy. The boy’s body language had changed considerably, and now he often held his head high and shoulders back.

“You’re right,” he said firmly. “I can handle it. I can handle anything. Even jail.”

Onyx smiled. “As I said, that’s a very unlikely outcome. Should it happen, the Royalty of Nova Aurora can demand your immediate release. As I said, you’re a dragon prince, now.”

Martin stared at the big doors again.

“It’s just … standing in that room with everyone staring at me. It’s terrifying.”

“It’ll be over soon,” Azura said, stepping forward to hug her brother.

Onyx smiled, nodding at Azura as she gave him a grateful look. She was so relieved to see Martin doing well, and Onyx sharing the weight of raising him had given her freedom to embrace who she truly was.

It was time for them to go in. The official called their names, and Gerri stepped up to him. Her lawyer was already there, sitting at the back of the room. He was a tall, imposing man who oozed confidence and charm.

Onyx and the others had only spoken to him on video chat, and Onyx was impressed by the man’s physical presence.

“Good morning,” he said, shaking their hands. “Let’s get this done, shall we?”

“Yes, Reginald, let’s,” Gerri muttered.

“How are you, Martin?” Reginald asked. “Nervous?”

“Yes, sir,” Martin answered.

“No need to be. This isn’t like TV. It’s a hearing, not a trail. You won’t take the stand. No one’s going to grill you. You keep your mouth shut unless the judge speaks to you directly.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good. Follow me.”

As they filed into the room, Azura threw Onyx a worried look. He smiled, bending down to whisper in her ear.

“It’s all right, my love. He really is a different person now. I’ve worked with him every day, and Gerri and Reginald are the very best.”

“But what if they punish him anyway?” she whispered. Onyx squeezed her hand.

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