Page 62 of Flame Difference

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Onyx let her go, even though it was one of the hardest things he had ever done. He watched her rush down the stairs, running from Martin and him. Onyx gestured to Farrah, but the old woman was already on the move, following Azura down into the castle.

“Will she be okay?” Martin asked, watching his sister leave. Onyx nodded.

“I’ll go after her, don’t worry. She just needs a bit of time to herself. Today has been a crazy day.”

“Yeah,” Martin said, looking out over the sky. The suns were beginning to set, sending streaks of silver through pink and gold clouds.

“The last thing I remember is taking the potion. Then it was like being stuck in a dark, horribly painful hell until you shook me out of it in the sky.”

“You did well,” Onyx said, patting him on the shoulder. “Let’s take you downstairs and get you some food. You must be starving.”

“Yeah, I am,” Martin laughed. “I could really use some decent clothes too. This nudity thing will take some time.”

Onyx laughed heartily, throwing his head back. It felt good to let himself go with humor. The past few days had been a gut-wrenching roller coaster of emotion. He could understand why Azura was having so much trouble adjusting.

He went downstairs with Martin, waiting for him to be comfortably seated in the hall before he left. As he headed out, he saw Kyra run past him, her face a mess of tears. He watched the girl run into Martin’s arms. Martin embraced her, his own expression gentle and apologetic.

He’s taking responsibility for all the hurt he’s caused.

Onyx hurried to take a shower and change into clean clothes before heading to Azura’s rooms. He approached with some trepidation, but he knew she needed to be reassured. She had spent so much time lonely and isolated. He knew the only healing for it was love and companionship.

True safety. She needs to know that even though she feels like it’s her job to care for everyone else, it’s my job to care for her.

He arrived at her room and knocked softly on the door. She called out for him to come in, and he considered that a good sign.

She was curled up on the sofa, wrapped in a soft blanket. She had clearly been crying, and several demolished boxes of candy were strewn across the floor. She was working her way through a small carton of ice cream.

Onyx didn’t really understand it, but these cups of ice cream were vital to a woman’s well-being, according to Bella.

“Go away,” Azura muttered. Onyx shook his head, hurrying to kneel by the couch.

“Let me take you out, please,” he said gently. “You need a break from all this. You’ve been strung out for too long, my love.”

“No,” she muttered. “No gowns, no parties. I can’t take it.”

“No,” he grinned. “Nothing like that.”

“Do I have to get changed?” she asked, defiant. “I’m very comfortable with how I am.”

“No, you don’t have to change. You can stay as you are. That is if you would like to come with me. I promise you it will be quiet and relaxing.”

She stared at him, clearly not trusting him but interested.

“Okay,” she sighed. “I’ll go.”

Onyx’s face lit up with a smile, and Azura smiled back. He was very happy that he could still get her to smile, and it gave him hope that she would come through this even stronger.

She stood and wrapped the blanket tightly around her shoulders. He gathered her up, and she giggled.

“You don’t have to carry me,” she laughed.

“No, I don’t,” he agreed. “I just like to.”

Onyx carried her through the palace, passing courtyards and libraries until he came to a small door. He led Azura inside, and the room was a large, incredibly dark space. She snuggled against him, looking around in surprise.

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