Page 59 of Flame Difference

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She waited on the roof, her hands clasped to her chest. There was nothing else she could do. A few of the palace staff and healers were there with her, waiting for some sign of their lord.

I’m waiting for my lover to bring back Martin’s body. That’s the only way this can end.

Some of the security staff … who were hawk shifters … had flown out in support of Onyx. They had quickly returned to report that Onyx and Martin had flown into enemy territory and no one else could follow.

They could both end up dead. The next thing I hear could be an emissary telling us Onyx was killed in fair combat. Then they are both gone, and what becomes of me?

Tears spoiled down Azura’s cheeks, but she didn’t move. She didn’t sob. She just stood still, her eyes on the far horizon, waiting for some sign. The pleasure and joy of the last few days felt like a horrible betrayal, a lie.

For the briefest of moments, I believed that I deserved better, but maybe all I deserve is grief and suffering.

A gasp rose from her throat. She could barely see from the tears blurring her vision. An older woman broke away from the group of staff, handing her a handkerchief for her tears and wrapping a shawl around her shoulders.

“I am Farrah,” she said, gently stroking Azura’s hair. “I am the child watcher and the education instructor here. I’ve known Lord Onyx since he was small. Have faith in your mate, great Lady. He will return.”

Azura nodded, leaning into the woman’s embrace. She allowed herself to cry a little more, wondering if she had the strength to stay on this roof forever.

It would be better than going back to Earth without them.

Suddenly, one of the guards shouted. The staff began to point. Azura turned and ran to the edge of the balcony, watching the sky. There was not one but two shapes flying directly toward them.


As they got closer, the two of them put on a little display, twisting together and doing barrel rolls with closed wings before coming out of the dive right before hitting the roof. Many of the staff and security force clapped and cheered, but Azura was not entertained in the slightest.

When they landed in perfect unison and shifted back to human form, they both laughed, cuffing each other on the shoulder and making breathless comments about the battle. Azura folded her arms tightly across her chest and waited for her boys to stop congratulating each other.

“Whoa,” Martin suddenly exclaimed. “I’m freaking naked!”

Onyx laughed harder as attendants approached with robes for them.

“We are a bit more liberal here on Nova Aurora. We see nudity all the time when we shift. It’s just not a big deal.”

“It’s going to take some getting used to,” Martin said, holding his robe tightly around himself like a virgin girl.

“The first thing we have to do is organize a party!” Onyx said excitedly. He clapped Martin on the shoulder, beaming. “I’ll get the dignitaries on it immediately. You’re to be welcomed into the flight …”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Azura screamed. Her hands had found their way to her cheeks as she slowly got angrier and angrier. Martin and Onyx turned to face her, both of them wearing shocked expressions.

“It’s okay,” Onyx said, bursting with male pride. “He came through the shift. He’s going to be just fine.”

“Good!” Aurora screamed. “Because I’m going to fucking kill him!”

She strode across the balcony, stopping in front of Martin. He turned his eyes away, but he did not step back, nor did he lose the stance of pride he carried about himself.

“I don’t know what to even say to you,” she cried, her anger mingling with fear and grief. “You just can’t stop acting out. This time, you almost died. What’s going to happen next time?”

A new fear was rising in her, taking over her thought process.

He’s a dragon now. He has twice the power he had before. What horrible crimes can he commit now, and could we even stop him?

“And you!” she roared, turning on Onyx. “How dare you offer to throw him a party. He stole from you. He ran off right after he promised us he would never do it again. He went to the wizard and got himself into terrible danger, and you want to throw him a fucking party?”

“Azura,” Onyx said, stepping forward to take her in his arms. “You don’t understand. He’s a dragon now …”

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