Page 54 of Flame Difference

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She nodded numbly, taking his hand as they headed for the main dining room.

Several staff members were there, as well as a few members of Onyx’s security forces. They were clad in black, frighteningly muscled, and all of them wore fierce expressions.

I wonder what kind of shifters they are.

“Talk to me,” Onyx said.

“No trace, anywhere,” one of his staff answered. “Reports have come in from all security points. He didn’t cross any of them, nor did he use the wormhole.”

Azura felt her shield of numbness breaking slowly as if it were a wall of ice that was slowly shattered by the bleak looks of everyone in the room. Tears started to pour down her cheeks, and she shook her head as emotion took her over.

“It’s okay,” Onyx said, hurrying to her side. “It’s just like last night. We’ll find him.”

“No, it’s not like last night!” she swore. “He was just dicking around last night. This time he was upset, really upset! He’s going to hurt himself.”

Onyx fell into thought. His eyes lit up as he followed Azura’s train of thought.

“He’s freaking out about not being a shifter,” Onyx muttered. He turned back to the security team.

“Do we know anyone who could attempt to turn him into a shifter or give him powers of any kind?”

“There are a few in the city,” said one of the staff members. “But they are reputable. They’d never permanently alter someone without seeking approval through official channels. There is one …”

The guy paused. Azura wanted to leap across the table and rip the words from his throat.

“Go on,” Onyx said.

“There’s a wizard outside of town, near the mountains. He’s been banned from practicing in the city. He’s done some … strange things over the years.”

Azura and Onyx looked at each other. They were both thinking the same thing. It was better to plan for the worst possible scenario than waste time doing anything else.

“Get me an aircar,” Onyx snapped. “We’re going out there to check. Everyone else, keep combing the city.”

Azura ran after Onyx as they headed toward the front of the palace. He grabbed her hand as they ran, squeezing her fingers reassuringly. They threw themselves into the car without slowing down, and the driver took them into the sky so fast they barely had time to shut the door.

The flight over the city only took a few minutes. Azura wished she could have enjoyed it more … seeing the buildings and roads from above was a thrilling sight.

Or, it would be if I could pay attention to it.

The clusters of buildings began to dwindle into small residences set on large farms. Soon, there was nothing but thickly wooded hills. The driver had to make a very skilled landing in a small clearing to get them as near to the wizard’s shack as possible.

They ran from the car and straight up to the door of the shack. Azura’s heart twisted in fear.

This place looks like a dump. Surely Martin wouldn’t be dumb enough to let this guy actually work on him?

Onyx pounded on the door. It was opened by a small, old man with long silver hair, a beard, and a mustache.

“Greetings,” Onyx said, his tone commanding. “I am Lord Onyx, come from the palace …”

“I know who you are,” the wizard said, boredom in his tone.

“We are here to …”

“Martin!” Azura screamed. She could see him behind the wizard, lying flat on a wooden bench. She shoved past the wizard, barely even seeing him as she ran to her brother.

“Oh, fuck,” the wizard whispered. “Who is this kid?”

Azura could barely hear Onyx talking to the wizard as she ran her hands across Martin’s forehead and shook him gently.

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