Page 50 of Flame Difference

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Onyx could feel the fire within him light immediately at the feeling of Azura’s lips on his.

One of his hands gripped her thigh tightly as the other ran up her side to press at the small of her back, melding their bodies together in a way that made him want to spread her over the table and take her right there.

But he needed to behave. Now was not the time to be thinking irrationally while she was in such a distressed state. He needed to make sure that his mate was okay and felt safe before things got out of hand.

It was torture to pull away from her, but after battling with himself for another long moment, Onyx separated from her and took her face in his hand.

“Azura …”

Another tear fell from her eyes, gutting him instantly.

“Please,” she begged.

He brushed it away with his thumb, rubbing her thigh with his other hand in a soothing motion.

“Are you sure?”

She nodded at him. “Please, I need you.”

How can I ever deny her? I am her loyal servant, and she is my queen.

“I need you to hold me and love me,” she continued, “I need all of you.”

Her lips met his again in a hungry fashion, kissing him in a way that drove him absolutely insane. He met hers with the same force, pulling needy moans out of her that instantly turned him on.

They needed to move inside, or he really was going to end up taking her right here on the table in front of them for all the world to see.

Sliding a hand under her legs, Onyx pulled her closer to his chest and lifted them both up from the chair, expertly weaving around the table and across the boat to where the ship’s living quarters were. It didn’t take him long to descend the stairs and kick the door to the bedroom open, making Azura laugh a little in the process as it slammed on the inside wall.

I love hearing that sound.

The cabin wasn’t small. It was around the size of a mid-sized bedroom, complete with a connecting bathroom and full shower. The king-sized bed centered against the farthest wall was their next destination.

He laid her down carefully, making sure she was comfortable on the bed before stripping completely and tossing his clothes onto the floor. She giggled at him, sitting up a little to watch as he crawled onto the bed and over top of her.

Azura wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down into another soul-searing kiss that made his insides blaze with passion.

I need more of her.

Onyx moved his hands up her sides, slipping them underneath her shirt and caressing the soft skin underneath. She shivered with his touch and moaned against his lips. Encouraging him even further.

He moved his lips away from her mouth, kissing his way down her neck to where her throat met her shoulder. He licked at the spot, feeling Azura shiver again underneath him, and placed his mouth on the spot to suck at and leave his mark on her skin.

I need everyone to know that she’s mine, even if they’re not from this planet.

“Onyx,” Azura moaned, her hips kicking up to meet his. “I need you.”

Electricity raced through his entire body as their hips met, grinding together to spark the pleasure between them. It made him growl against her skin.

More. More. I need more.

Making quick work of it, Onyx parted from her neck and tugged her top off her, tossing it somewhere over his shoulder. His mouth met her skin once more, traveling down to her chest.

Azura’s fingers slid through his hair again, tugging at the roots when he flicked open the front clasp of her bra.

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