Page 32 of Flame Difference

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The early morning light glanced across Azura’s face, disturbing her dreams. She tried to cling to that warm, safe place where she could give herself to Onyx without a care in the world. She wanted to stay there so badly, but the morning persisted until she finally had to open her eyes.

The dream had been so intense that she was actually surprised to find herself on Nova Aurora. Azura had been so lost in that far-off paradise that she had been afraid that everything was a dream, even Gerri.

For a brief, heart-stopping moment, it seemed as if she’d wake up back at the old manor with all the problems that had dragged her down for so long.

The pale, silvery light of Nova Aurora’s suns was not as harsh as Earth’s, and there were two of them. But she was glad of it as she sat up, slowly blinking sleep from her eyes. She held the soft sheets to her bare chest as she looked out the window, hearing the birds singing.

How is it that their song is so much sweeter than any bird on Earth? Is it the creatures themselves, or only my perception of them?

Azura sighed, not wanting to let go of her dreams. She could still smell the sweet, rich aroma of the chocolate and feel the warmth on her skin as if Onyx was right beside her, gently stroking her skin.

After just a moment of seeing myself back in my old life, the problem of having an alien duke determined to have me as his wife doesn’t seem to be much of a problem.

She yawned, stretching as she got up. Her mind finally started to catch up to the day, and she felt nerves chilling her bones.

Am I ready to be anyone’s wife?

That was the real problem. She knew she was going to have to play the part of a wife tonight, no matter what.

I suppose I could think of it as a dress rehearsal.

She giggled to herself as she got into the shower. The bathroom was incredible, with intricate designs made of pink and white tile that spiraled in mosaics of floral patterns.

There were no ugly, mold-covered spouts here or leaky taps. There were no taps at all but touchpads on the wall. The system was intuitive, and she figured it out pretty quickly.

This place is awesome. I hope Martin’s having a good time.

She sighed as she wrapped herself in a big, fluffy towel.

Does Martin enjoy himself anywhere?

She tried to put it out of her mind as she went back into her room to stand at the window. Azura wondered if the party was going to happen and, if so, if it would do anything to cheer up Martin.

Do I have to go hunting for coffee, or is there room service in this place?

As if in response to her thought, there was a knock on the door. She jumped, pulling the towel more tightly around herself.

“Who is it?”

“My name is Adela, my lady. I’m here to see to all of your needs.”

“Oh …” Azura wasn’t sure what her “needs” were, exactly. She knew it would be rude to say no, though.

“Come on in,” she called.

A young woman entered the room, carrying a massive armload of colored silk. Behind her, a young boy pushed a huge trolley into the room covered in platters of food. Azura smelled the coffee immediately.

“Is that breakfast?”

“Yes, my lady. The lord wasn’t sure what you’d like, so he had the cook make everything an Earthling could possibly want for breakfast.”

Azura looked at the trolley in astonishment, amazed by the piles of bacon, egg, sausage, and pancakes.

“I’ll never eat all this!”

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