Page 16 of Flame Difference

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Despite Gerri’s intervention in approaching his maybe-potential-mate, Onyx was always one to know when to pick and choose his battles. If Gerri’s suggestion to hold back meant that he’d have a future where he would have an actual one-on-one with this enchanting woman, then so be it.

As a strategic alpha male, Onyx wasn’t the type to leave things unsettled. Even if parts of him screamed at him to do two different things at the same time.

It wasn’t that he was against having a mate in general. In fact, he had been rather indifferent to the subject until today. Always figuring that the time would come around eventually.

But as a businessman through and through, that time had been pushed back farther and farther with really no end in sight. The further he went in his career, the more distant his future with a family became.

That was until Gerri had decided to step into the picture.

I do have to say, the woman she picked is stunning.

True to Gerri’s promise, Onyx couldn’t keep his eyes off the beauty. With a laser focus attached to her every move, Onyx followed her around without leaving the side of the snack bar.

Much to his displeasure, and Gerri’s keen watch over him, his internal battle became more evident as guests from the party started to crowd around the table, side glancing at him every so often.

It wasn’t unexpected for the occasional human to do a double-take in his direction. In fact, he knew he looked rather out of place. Such was the nature of being a dragon shifter among regular humans.

I wonder if my mate knows about that part of me. I really hope Gerri’s already had that conversation with her.

Onyx shook his head vigorously, spooking one of the ladies next to him.

Your maybe-mate, Onyx. Get it together.

Up near the front of the party, Gerri wandered up to the podium stationed by the gazebo and tapped the wood surface with her ringed hand.

She smiled widely as everyone turned toward the noise.

“Thank you all for coming to this event! I’d like to take a moment to recognize the owner of this beautiful property and allow her to give us all a small speech before the food arrives. Azura Morrow, everybody!”

The crowd clapped politely around him, all of their attention bouncing from Gerri to the woman standing at her left. Azura was swept up in a hug from Gerri before she moved behind the podium.

“I’d like to thank each and every one of you for coming. The reason we have gathered here today is to see this beautiful house and grounds restored to their former glory. To see such support from the community is very humbling.”

Onyx couldn’t help the small smile that graced his lips as Azura ran her eyes over the crowd in front of her. The pride welling within him was almost hurting his chest as her smile grew.

What is this … feeling within me …?

She took in a deep breath, ready to start speaking again, when her eyes darted over to the left. A small, almost unnoticeable shift in her face occurred. Something that Onyx was sure only he noticed.

Azura stumbled over her words.

“So, to each and every one of you, I express my heartfelt gratitude. I won’t keep you from the celebration! Please enjoy.”

Azura didn’t wait for the crowd to finish clapping or break apart into their groups before she stepped away from the podium and hurried across the lawn. Onyx followed her with his gaze, seeing two police cars by the side parking area.

Police? At a social gathering? What could they possibly be here for?

Onyx’s questions were soon answered when he spotted a boy, no older than a teenager, poking his head out from behind the gazebo. The boy’s eyes were wide and panicked and focused entirely on where Azura had hurried off to.

Hmm … I wonder …

Needing to satiate his curiosity, Onyx proceeded to wander through the crowd and head to where Azura … and now Gerri too … was speaking to the two officers.

“A warrant?!” came Azura’s frantic voice, “a warrant for what?”

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