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‘Ooh, is that the door?’ Roxy jumped up and rushed over to open it. No one was there. ‘Just going to the loo,’ she said, going in the bathroom and shutting the door behind her.

Bloody cheek.There she was always asking me about my bedroom activities and yet she was suddenly all shy about discussing her own. I wasn’t going to let her off the hook that easily…

A few seconds later there reallywasa knock at the door. I reached for my bra. Getting my boobs out for my best friends was one thing, but showing them to strangers was another.

Bella got up and looked through the peephole.

‘It’s Geli.’

‘Buongiorno!’ she stepped inside.

‘Hi, Geli, did you sleep well?’ I said slyly, trying to gauge her reaction.

‘Very well,grazie.’ She untied her robe and tossed it on the chair, leaving her standing in just her underwear. ‘So, you have had a good chat with Roxy and Bella,sì?’

‘Yes, I did.’


I guessed that Roxy and Bella had asked Geli to wait in the room until they’d finished as they probably knew that I was more likely to open up if it was just the two of them. Strictly speaking, I should put my dressing gown on again now too, but somehow I was okay. Even though I hadn’t known Geli that long, I felt at ease and that she wouldn’t judge me. In fact, maybe this was all part of the process: like a training exercise or a self-fulfilling prophecy. Maybe the more I told myself it was fine to show my body or sit around in just my undies, the more comfortable I would become doing it.

Roxy came out of the bathroom.

‘Hey, Geli,’ she said breezily. Geli looked like she was going to melt in a puddle on the floor. Now it washerlooking at Roxy like she was the most amazing woman on earth. I really wanted to know what had happened… ‘Breakfast is on its way up. I thought we could have it in here, so we can be more relaxed and enjoy our last few hours together.’

‘Sounds great. I didn’t fancy having to haul myself downstairs.’

The door knocked again.

‘Right on cue.’ Roxy jumped up from the bed, gathered the other dressing gowns, threw them on the chair with Geli’s so they were out of reach, then opened the door. ‘Come in!’ she said to two room service guys.

As they wheeled in the two trolleys, which were packed with plates of food, with silver metal covers and buckets of what looked like Prosecco, their eyes popped out of their heads. Geli and Bella were standing proudly in their undies and Roxy strutted over to the bed like it was all perfectly normal.

‘Jump up, please, Soph,’ she said. I climbed off and stood next to Bella. ‘If you could set the plates and the cutlery out on the bed, please. We’re all going to eat on here.’

‘Sì, signora,’ said one of the guys, trying desperately to look anywhere but at her body.

Four half-naked women in a hotel room. They both probably thought we were having one big orgy. Especially with the size of this bed.

‘Grazie,’ she said as they hurried out of the room.

‘This looks great! I definitely need this. I felt awful before, but now I’m feeling a bit better. Actually, I’m starving.’

‘Good, good,’ said Roxy. ‘We can all get stuck in a mo’, but first, let’s have a toast.’

Crikey.More alcohol? I know I said I was feeling better, but…oh well. Would be rude not to.

Roxy poured some orange juice into the glasses, then topped them up with Prosecco to make a Buck’s Fizz. She passed me a flute.

‘Bella, do you remember when Soph used to have her glass OCD thing?’

‘I do!’ said Bella.

‘Yep,’ I laughed, thinking back to when I couldn’t drink out of them unless there were zero smears or marks. ‘I’ve been over that forages.’ I’d learnt to rotate the glass to avoid the ‘dirty’ bits. Although I couldn’t lie. Given the chance, I’d still swap it for one that was clean and streak-free…

‘Glad to hear it! Anyway, back to making a toast,’ said Roxy. ‘Here’s to friends, old and new.’ She looked at me and Bella, then smiled at Geli.

‘To friends, old and new,’ we all repeated.

‘And here’s to Soph. We hope you continue to do well with your new life in Italy, that you learn to love your body and of course that you go home later and shag Lorenzo senseless. Cheers, everyone!’

Dear God.What was she like?

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