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At our last lesson, I’d asked Geli if she could recommend a good local hairdressers and decent beauty salon, and she’d laughed in my face.

‘I know the perfect salon for you to visit…when you are eighty! There are no modern salons in this town. You must either go toFirenzeor I can do it for you.’

‘You?’ I’d said, before realising that may have sounded rude. ‘I didn’t know you were a hairdresser or, um, beauty therapist?’

‘Sì. I have many careers in my forty-seven years in this world,’ she’d said. I was surprised at her age. Geli certainly didn’t look it. ‘Worked in salons for many years in my twenties. I also worked as counsellor, social worker, in nursery, restaurants, bars and of course as teacher…’

‘Oh wow. Okay,’ I’d replied. To be honest, initially I was nervous about letting her near my hair or skin. But after working with hairdressers for so many years, I could tell when hair had been coloured professionally and hers always looked great. So did her skin. She seemed like a good person. Trustworthy. Plus, let’s be honest. My options were limited. And she offered to come to my house, which was even better as I couldn’t very well ask Marta to do more babysitting seeing as she was already having Leo for the whole weekend.

So Geli came round and worked her magic. It was tricky because at first it seemed like Leo wasn’t going to stick to his normal afternoon naptime, but he did. And he slept for hours, so she coloured my hair, gave me a little trim and a blow-dry and a mini facial. I felt like a new woman. I looked like one too. The power of a good pampering session once in a while should never be underestimated. Nor should taking time out with friends.

Until recently, with my besties hundreds of miles away in London, my options on the friendship front had been non-existent. But spending time with Holly and Geli had shown me how much I’d missed face-to-face female conversation. With all the trouble with the business and trying to navigate this being a mum stuff, I needed it more than ever.

So I’d had my adult interaction fix with my new friends and now I had three full days with my lovely Lorenzo to look forward to. I was sure I’d miss Leo massively, but at the same time, I couldn’t wait to feel a bit more like Sophia again. To have seventy-two hours without changing nappies, breastfeeding and getting a decent night’s sleep for two whole nights sounded like absolute heaven. I was so excited I could burst!

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