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It had been a while since I’d had sex, but right now, I couldn’t imagine it comparing to the relief of finally going to the loo after holding it for so long.

Jeez, Soph! Things must be really bad if your greatest pleasure in life these days is emptying your bladder.

True, Reasanna. I’d been doing some pelvic floor exercises to make my muscles stronger down there, but maybe I needed to do more…

I washed my hands and went downstairs.

As I returned to the kitchen, I saw Leo slowly opening his eyes. It was if he knew I was coming. He looked so cute as he stretched out his little arms.What a hard life, eh?Sleeping, eating, pooing and crying all day long must besoexhausting. Still, that’s what babies did. I’m sure I wasn’t any different. Maybe he’d be good and just go back to sleep.


As if.

Just as the thought left my head, he started crying. I picked him up and tried to soothe him, but he wasn’t having it.

Silvestro came in the kitchen, wearing his dressing gown, thankfully, and raised his eyebrow. That look told me everything. Whilst he didn’t appear to be embarrassed about the awkward bathroom encounter, he wasnota fan of noisy babies. Was anyone? I got the hint.

‘I’d better go.’ I attempted to put Leo back in his pram as he wriggled and kicked his legs in protest.

‘Oh no!’ said Holly. ‘Stay!’

‘Best that I take Leo home. It’s time for his feed and you’ve got to finish preparing lunch.’ Normally I used Leo’s naptime to do emails and express milk, so I’d also have a lot to catch up on when I got back. It was worth it, though. In fact, maybe we could stop off to see Lorenzo at the restaurant quickly too. It was in the town centre, so only five minutes from here. That would make Lorenzo’s day.Yeah. Good idea.

‘No, honestly! It’s totally cool!Please stay. Can’t you feed Leo here? Breastfeed him in my room.’ She looked at Silvestro nervously. I wasn’t sure if he approved of her having friends round. ‘I could come up with you, once I’m done.’

‘Don’t worry. You’ve got things to do. I’ll leave you to it. Thanks again for coffee.’

‘Okay,’ she said reluctantly.

Holly’s hands were covered in pastry, so after saying bye to Silvestro, I told her I’d see myself out. I could tell she was disappointed, but I didn’t want to get her in any trouble. If she invited me round for coffee again, I could come a bit earlier to give us more time to talk alone in case Silvestro turned up.

Better still, I’d invite her round to my place. It’d be more relaxed. Zero chance of bumping into anyone naked, and the lock on our bathroom door was solid too.

Either way, whether we met at her house or mine, I was just happy to finally be making friends. And of course, I liked getting the goss on her steamy romance with Umberto. With my own sex life rapidly disappearing down the toilet, hearing about her blossoming relationship could be just the kind of escapism I needed.

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