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‘Nothing. Don’t worry. Where were you thinking, though?’ I quickly changed the subject. ‘Did you have somewhere particular in mind?’

‘I have called some people. Some—how you say?Contacts? And there could be many opportunities for me. In cities in Italy and in other countries. You just tell me you are happy for us to move and I will make more calls to see where will be possible.’

I was stunned.

Good stunned, though. I’d be interested to hear which locations were on the table. Of course, they’d have to work for me and Leo too.

And what about Marta?Oh, Jesus. What if he suggested she come with us? When he said that we wouldn’t have a problem with her in the future, I hoped that wasn’t because she’d told him it wouldn’t happen again and he just believed her.

Only one way to find out, Soph.

Yes, thanks, Reasanna.Got it. Obviously that was my next question…

‘So we’ll go somewhere new, just the three of us?’

I thought that was a more subtle way of asking whether the battleaxe would be joining us…

‘Sì. You, me and Leo. Mamma is good woman, so I know she will understand. It will not be the first time I have left this town. And good mother should want the best for her son, for me. And that is to be with you and Leo.’


That was a relief. He’d done it. Lorenzo had chosen us. Without the need to play that message. That’s all I’d wanted. For him to commit to us fully. I didn’t want it to feel like it was a ‘competition’. There should be room for all of us in his life. But Marta had overstepped the mark, which made that difficult. At least for me anyway.

‘This all sounds great.In theory. I have to see it all, though. See the action rather than just hear the words to believe it.’

‘Of course. I understand. I have arranged to leave work early tonight. I thought, if Geli can have Leo, we can go home this evening and explain everything to Mamma.Together.And then come back and get Leo.’

‘Okay,’ I said, my mood lifting, but yet not entirely convinced it would be as simple as that. ‘I’ll ask Geli and text you later to confirm.’

‘Bene!Will be great. You will see. I cannot wait to welcome you and Leo home,mi amore! Oh, Sophia. Tell me. What happen with the deal? Everything okay?’


With all that was going on, I hadn’t even mentioned it to Lorenzo. I’d wanted to. He was the first person I would’ve loved to call, but we’d fallen out, so…

‘Yeah,’ I said sheepishly. ‘It went through a few days ago.’

‘A few days? And you did not tell me?Amore!But this is important news!Fantastico!’ He threw his arms around me. ‘I wish you phone as soon as it happen so I could say congratulations. You did it! I amsoproud of you. We must celebrate! Tonight we talk to Mamma and start plan our future and then tomorrow I take you somewhere to celebrate,sì?’

‘Great! Thank you!’ I knew he’d be excited for me. I wished he could have been right there beside me when it had happened, but at least I could share the achievement with him now.

‘I am so excited for us to be together again and start our new life,’ he said, kissing me firmly on the lips.

The butterflies dancing in my stomach said it all. I was happy that he’d come back to me. Iwasn’tgoing to lose the love of my life. It would be a fresh start. Good times were on the horizon again. We had so much to look forward to as a family. Like Lorenzo, I was excited.

But something told me his precious mamma wouldn’t feel the same…

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