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Chapter Forty-Three

What a relief.

I’d just got the results back from the doctor and Leo was fine. I plonked myself down on the bed. I’d been so worried. My doctor said he’d like to check him out again in a couple of months, just to be sure, but he was confident that Leo was okay.

I supposed I should call Lorenzo straight away. Let him know the good news. But it was still painful. I missed him.

The nights were the worst. The bed felt so cold without him. Lorenzo would always try and get under the duvet five minutes before me and lie on my side, so that it would be nice and warm when I climbed inside.So sweet.

I missed his smile, his crazy dancing, the way he looked at me and Leo like his heart was ready to burst. I missed his cooking. Nothing I’d eaten since I’d been in London was a patch on his food.

I wondered if he was missing us as much. No doubt Marta was running around after him to make sure he wanted for nothing.

Just call him, Soph. Remember what Bella said. Don’t let Marta’s actions get in the way of your relationship.

I want to, but…

I was about to reel off a string of excuses about being scared to call him when my phone rang.

Speak of the devil.

Not that I was calling him a devil, but you know what I mean…

It was Lorenzo.

My heart skipped a beat.


‘Hello, Soph,’ he said quietly.

‘If you’re calling about Leo, everything’s fine. I just heard back from my doctor. I was… I was just about to call you…’

‘Thank God. That is great. I am so happy to hear that. When Gloria call me last night, I ask her if there was news, but she said you will find out today.’

‘My mum called you? Why?’

‘To let me say goodnight to Leo. She did not tell you?’

‘No, she didn’t…’ I had to admit it was a nice thing for her to do.

‘I am glad Leo is okay. There is another reason that I call you. I wanted to know when you are coming back.’

The truth was, I didn’t know. I’d only booked a single ticket. Not necessarily because I wasn’t planning to return. I just… I wanted to see how I felt. Use this time away to decide what to do next…

‘I ask because I made a decision,’ said Lorenzo. ‘And I want to talk to you about it.’

‘Can’t you just tell me now? On the phone?’

‘No,’ he said firmly. ‘Is better I see you to explain.’

That sounded ominous.

‘Okay. Hold on…’ I launched my travel app and quickly checked flight availability. Maybe we could come back tomorrow? Everything was done and dusted with the business, Leo was okay, and now that Lorenzo had made a decision, if I stayed here, I’d only be twiddling my thumbs, overthinking about what he was going to say. There was a flight around noon with seats. That would be ideal. ‘We can arrive at Pisa airport tomorrow around three?’

‘Perfetto. I will take a break from the restaurant after lunch. Text me the flight details and I will wait for you at the airport.’


‘Bene. I see you tomorrow.’

I ended the call. It broke my heart to be formal, to act that hostile with the man I loved, but I was hurting too. I hoped that he’d come to his senses and would choose us, but I couldn’t be so sure. Like Geli said, the bond between a mother and son could be strong.Unbreakable.

I supposed at least he’d made a decision. Only time would tell whether I thought it was the right one.

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