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I served myself, poured the custard over everyone’s helpings, then took a spoonful.

Thank goodness.It tasted as good as it looked.

‘Mmm.’Lorenzo smiled. ‘Deliziosa!’

Phew. One satisfied customer down, one to go…

I turned to Marta. She moved the tiny portion from one side of the bowl to the other, like a child who’d been asked to eat spinach when all they wanted was ice cream. Her face crumpled. For some reason, bringing herself to push even a sliver of apple onto the spoon and lift it towards her mouth was a monumental task. She muttered something in Italian, got up and went to the kitchen.

What the hell?

All that effort.

All the stress of getting the ingredients, rushing around to make it for her and she wasn’t even going to try it?

Bad form.

If this really was an episode ofCome Dine with Me, behaviour like that would make the other contestants give her an earbashing.

So rude.

I felt the anger rise inside me.

‘Mamma said it looked nice, but after dinner she was very full.’

Kind of Lorenzo to try and spare my feelings, but I was pretty sure Marta didn’t say that. ‘Perhaps you’d like to askMammaif she would like some to take home?’

I’d like to ask Marta a lot of things right now, but offering her a doggy bag definitely wasn’t one of them…

I bit my tongue.

‘Nice idea, but I wouldn’t know how to.’

‘Another reason to try the Italian lessons,sì? Will be good for you.’

Of course it would be helpful, but I’d have to look into it later. Possibly next week. Things might be calmer at the office by then, and I’d have more time. Better still, Mum and Dad might change their minds and finally visit next month, and if they did, perhaps I could consider taking some lessons then.

Yes. I’d been here three months, so waiting a few more weeks wouldn’t make any difference.

Like Lorenzo said, these things took time. I just needed to be patient…

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