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I’d always known that she didn’t approve of me stopping breastfeeding, but I never even imagined she’d take things this far. This was our baby, not hers. Lorenzo and I had decided together that he would be breastfed for six months and that was it. I was surprised I’d even lasted that long as sometimes it was painful. Either way, what Marta had done was dangerous, deceitful and disrespectful. His mother or not, she had to go.

‘I want herout, Lorenzo! This is the last straw. I’ve had enough of her interfering.’

He looked at his mum and looked at me. I could tell he was trying to work out what to do or say to keep the peace, but I wasn’t backing down on this one.

‘Soph, she is my mamma. She has nowhere else to go.’

Marta started smirking.Bitch. Bet she understood that he was sticking up for her.

‘I amnotliving under the same roof as a woman who has gone behind our backs in the worst possible way and put Leo’s health at risk.’

‘Mamma would never do anything to hurt Leo. She loves him.’

‘Lorenzo! I am not living here withher. So either she leaves or Leo and I do. It’s up to you!’

‘Soph… no, please.’ He stroked my shoulders. ‘We must talk about this…’

‘There’s nothing to talk about. If you’re not going to ask her to leave, then we’ll go,’ I grabbed Leo’s bag, stuffed some clothes and nappies inside and started putting on his pram suit. ‘I can’t stay here with that woman. We’re leaving.’


I put Leo in his pushchair, opened the front door, then slammed it behind me.

I couldn’t believe he’d chosen his mother over us.

I thought Lorenzo was different. That he wasn’t acocco di mamma—a stereotypical mummy’s boy.

Was this how it would always be? Lorenzo taking Marta’s side, no matter what?

How could I stay with a man that was always going to put our needs second? A man who didn’t take my concerns about our baby’s health seriously?

As much as it hurt me to say it, the answer was, I couldn’t.

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