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Chapter Nine

I stood in line outside the clubhouse with my brothers as we watched the boys from Troy ride through the gates. The eight of them pulled up in a perfectly formed line in front of us and kicked out their stands.

We stood silently and waited as they climbed off their rides, but I couldn’t hide the smile on my face as Harmony bounced off the back of Kit’s bike with the widest grin.

“I’m back! Did you miss me!” She beamed. We all stood stoic, not saying anything until her smile turned to a frown. “That’s all I get?”

Kit pulled off his helmet with a smirk, his eyes on Optimus. “Congrats, you horny bastard.”

And that was it. None of us could hold it any longer. We all collided in a mess of fist bumps and man hugs, laughing and jesting each other.

There was a serious love between our clubs. We were the only Brothers by Blood in America that shared a state. The other chapters were spread across the other states. I think it made us closer, more connected.

Even more so now that Kit, Troy’s president, had claimed Harmony, who was originally one of our club girls. Both she and Chelsea had been club girls together, and now each of the girls owned two of the biggest badasses in the country.

I stepped forward and picked up Harmony so her feet left the ground. She laughed. “Hi, Leo!”

It had only been a week since I’d been down in Troy myself, so it wasn’t like I hadn’t seen these boys recently. But welcoming them onto our club grounds, I wanted to show them the same hospitality that they’d shown me.

That and Harmony had always been special to the boys here. She was one of a kind. Kit had done well to scoop her up and claim her as fast as he did, even if at first she had resisted.

“Hey, beautiful. How was the ride?” I asked, finally placing her feet back on the ground.

“My ass hurts. But otherwise no complaints,” she answered with a smile.

A screech came from the clubhouse doors behind me. “Harmony!”

Harm stepped around me and took off running. “Babymaker!”

I chuckled.

“Hey man, how’s it going?” Kit asked, stepping in front of me. We wrapped our arms around each other and pounded our hands on the other’s back before stepping back.

“Yeah, brother, all good here.”

“Security firm is humming along already. It’s awesome. Thanks for your help,” Kit said sincerely. “A couple of the guys who applied are even considering joining the club.”

“That’s great man.”

“All right you pansies, let’s get a drink before the families come in,” Optimus ordered, pointing to the doorway.

It wasn’t long before the clubhouse was bustling with people. This was a family event. There were a few old ladies and a bunch of kids running around playing. Not many of the brothers had old ladies or families. It was mainly the old timers, and their kids had grown up a lot, and most were off at college or working their own jobs and lives.

We’d dragged the sofas from inside out onto the patio and grass where we had a fire pit set up for later when it got cold, and the kids and old ladies had gone home.

From where I sat, I could see Hadley over at the playground, running around with Macy, Jayla, Harlyn and a couple of the older kids.

Optimus had bent the rules today at Chelsea’s request.

Usually, club girls were to stay away from the club on family days. It meant we could guarantee no drama between them and the old ladies. But Chelsea had asked if they could stay. While they weren’t all the best of friends, Chelsea had still spent the last few years with these girls, and she wanted them to be able to join in celebrating their baby news.

They were there, though, under strict instructions to behave themselves. One sign of drama and they’d be out on their asses, not just for tonight but for good.

Hadley had instantly flocked to the small group of kids, happily entertaining them while the adults relaxed.

I couldn’t stop myself from watching her, though. She was dressed in a simple pair of jeans and a black T-shirt, nothing too tight or that showed skin, but still I seemed to find her fucking sexy as hell. I still hadn’t quite figured out what it was about her that pulled me in so strongly. The physical attraction was obvious. She was petite, slim but curved in all the important places, her long dark hair hung freely down her back and glistened in the sunlight. She really was stunning, magnificent even.

Her sexuality came next. She was unafraid. She didn’t shy away from my touch or my advances. She embraced them. She took everything and still wanted more. And I was aching to give her more.
