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“She can join us. The more, the merrier!” she said, beaming.

“Chelsea doesn’t dance,” Harmony explained, laughing. I shrugged. I didn’t care if people know I couldn’t dance. It was a fact. I just didn’t have rhythm when it came to music and I wasn’t really sure how to move my body or make it look good.

“What do you mean she doesn’t dance?” Missy piped up, clearly shocked.

“I can’t. This amazing body just doesn’t know movement.”

Missy frowned. “I thought you said you were a runner?”

I nodded. “I am.”

“And you like sex don’t you.”

I rolled my eyes. “Duh.”

Missy pushed her chair back and came around the table. “If you run, then you know rhythm and movement. You just gotta learn, baby.” She held her hand out to me. “Come on, I’ll teach you.”

I shook my head. “Trust me, people have tried.”

“Come on, Chel. Please!” Harmony gave me some ridiculous looking puppy dog eyes that only made me laugh, but soon the whole table was cheering, telling me to do it.

I sighed. “Fine! But nobody is allowed to laugh.”

I took Missy’s hand and she grinned triumphantly. “Babe, I promise, if these bastards laugh, I’ll ban them from Glow for a month.”

The table groaned in unison.

“Can you do that? Doesn’t the club own Glow?” I asked skeptically as she pulled me toward the now empty stage that was closest to where we were sitting.

She smirked. “They may own it, but this place is mine. And without me, they wouldn’t have any girls to strip.”

Some slow music started as we climbed the steps and instantly I watched as Harmony and the stripper, Honey, began swaying and twisting with the sound. Harmony was stunning, her long blonde hair falling down her back and swishing back and forth.

I knew when we were done that there was no way in hell I was going to be able to keep Kit from dragging her to some room and having his way with her. But I didn’t mind. My best friend was happy, and that was all I cared about.

“Okay, I want you to think about running,” Missy said as she stood in front of me.

“Trust me, right now that’s all I’m thinking about,” I muttered.

She rolled her eyes, but moved forward and gripped my hips in her hands. “Close your eyes.” I sighed but did as she asked. “Okay, so at first you’re just going to start off slow, like a walk. But instead of your feet, I want you to put that movement into your hips.”

She pushed at my hips and I moved them from side to side, thinking in my head about the beat I would walk to while I was warming up.

“Instead of just throwing them side to side, I want you to twist them a little, and use your waist as well. Dancing isn’t just in the hips, it’s in your whole body.”

I tried to listen and do as she told me, attempting to keep my movements in some sort of time to the bass of the music, much like I would when I was running. I often used the bass of a song to keep a steady rhythm with my feet, it helped me to push further and faster.

“Great,” she exclaimed. “Now speed up a little, you’re getting a little faster.”

We practiced for a while before the song changed and Missy began to talk to me about how to use my arms.

“It’s just like having sex with yourself,” she explained causing Harmony, Honey and I to all laugh. “You’re going to move your hands over your body like you could imagine your man doing.”

I sighed but took a deep breath. I’d gone this far already, why not imagine I’m having sex with myself on a stage full of people. It wasn’t like I was embarrassed about it, wasn’t like I hadn’t had sex in front of people before.

My hips swayed side to side as I slowly moved my hands over them and up the sides of my waist. I cupped my breasts just quickly, running my fingers around them lightly like a feather before continuing to lift my hands up into the air. One arm stayed up as the other drifted down it, tickling over the skin as it came down and around my face.

“Open your eyes, Chelsea,” I heard Missy say excitedly.
