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“Hey Chel,” Harmony chimed.

“Did you know?” I cried, attempting to hold my cell between my ear and my shoulder as I threw clothes into a bag.

There was silence for a minute. “Oh, Chelsea,” she whispered softly.

“You knew!” I gasped, feeling tears begin to burn once again.

Did everyone know but me?

“Kit only told me yesterday. He wanted to warn me.”

I scoffed. “He wanted to warn you that your best friend might be about to lose the plot.” I let loose a sarcastic laugh. “Thanks, Kit!”

“You need to talk to him, Chelsea. Let him explain.” I heard him call from in the background. I knew he’d be there.

“I’ve saved a room for you,” Harmony said softly.

“Harmony! Tell her to talk to him,” Kit growled.

I swallowed. Harmony knew me well. She’d been the only one I’d really talked to about what it was like for me growing up. She knew I wasn’t going to stop to talk to him, she knew I was going to run.

“I need to find Blizzard and ask if it’s okay that I leave.”

Club girls weren’t allowed to go away overnight without getting permission from Optimus or Blizzard first. It was important that they knew where we were at all times, just in case something happened and they needed to get a hold of us in a hurry.

“Do you want me to call him?” she offered.

I shook my head, stupid even though I knew she couldn’t see me. “I’m a big girl. I’ll do it.”

“Okay, I love you, Chel. Just hang in there and I’ll see you in a few hours.”

I sniffed. I missed Harmony more than I thought I did. She’d joined the club just before me, the attraction to the men and the parties and the lifestyle just too perfect to give up. We bonded straight away and never looked back. We both came from backgrounds, where relying on others to be there for you and care for you was just too much to ask. We’d learned to never expect anything from anyone. We were independent and while I had dreams of one day being swept off my feet, I didn’t need a man to run my life. I did just fine by myself.

I finished packing my bag and went in search of Blizzard. When he wasn’t in his room, I knew I would have to venture back out to the main room and risk seeing Optimus on the way. I took a deep breath as I stepped into the main room, blowing it back out slowly when I realized it was basically empty bar Wrench and Ham.

“Blizzard around?” I called over to them as they sat huddled at a table. Wrench looked up and gestured with his head to the opposite hall.

“Op’s office.”

Walking through avoiding eye contact, I knocked on the office door. But when it opened it wasn’t Blizzard.

Wrench that bastard.

I took a step back, but Optimus growled, “Stop it, Chelsea. Get in here.”

“I want to talk to Blizzard.”

“Well, he ain’t fucking here.” He stepped to the side, holding the door open and giving me space to walk past. My body shook. Every part of me was screaming run, go, run. Every part of me except my heart. My heart desperately wanted him to explain and had hopes that things were not what they seemed.“Now.”

I jumped but fell quickly into line. I’d let him say his piece, then I’d go. I stood awkwardly in the middle of his office as he closed the door behind me.

“What did you need Blizzard for?” he asked as he circled around in front of me.

“I want to go visit Harmony. I’m leaving now,” I said sharply.


My head shot up in surprise. “What?”
