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“Yeah. Hardcore for us, but just another day in the life of an outlaw,” she said a little too seriously before slapping a smile back on her face. “He kept trying to get out of bed, adamant that he was all right and needed to get back to the club to help out. I told him to sit his punk ass down before I stabbed him myself. The rest is history.”

I laughed; the picture she painted in my head just so hilarious. Del was sweet and small, at five foot nothing. Wreck, on the other hand, was maybe closer to six-foot-one or six-foot-two. Just the idea of her being able to put the hulking piece of man in his place was hard to comprehend.

“He’s very serious. I get the feeling he doesn’t like me much,” I told her honestly.

She turned her body to me, the movie forgotten for now. “It’s not you, Harmony. Wreck is a hard man to understand. He was burned before and it takes time for those types of wounds to heal.” She lay a soft hand on my shoulder. “Like all of us, he’s had bad experiences. Only he took them to heart and takes a lot longer to warm to people and to trust them if they aren’t his Brothers. Even our relationship was bumpy to begin with, but deep down he is very sweet and very loyal. You’ll see.”

I nodded, hoping that she was right. “Do you still work at the hospital?”

Her smiled beamed, telling me all I needed to know without the words. “Yes, I couldn’t quit if I tried. I love my job so much.”

“Have you ever gotten into trouble, you know, for helping out the boys and stuff when they get hurt?” I remembered reading an article once about a doctor who had been thrown through hell for treating patients outside of a medically licensed premises. It didn’t help that the men he was working for and treating were members of a well-known gang.

“I took an oath when I became a nurse and swore I would help people no matter who they were – gender, age, ethnicity, criminal or no criminal. I live by that. If the boys need help, I’m going to help them. If they wanted to do me for it, they can. But I will continue to help people no matter what.”

“I don’t think I could do it. Blood I could handle, but I’m pretty sure my bedside manner would suck.” I laughed.

“Girl, if you can hang out with the club and deal with these men, working in a hospital and dealing with patients would be a walk in the park.”
