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Kit walked out, shirtless and rubbing at his wet face with a towel. He stopped when he saw me and shot me the sexiest smile I’d ever seen on a man - teeth, dimples and fucking everything.

“Did you get that, babe?” I didn’t know what to do or say so I continued to stand there and stare at him, probably looking like a right idiot. “I’m tired and I called a Church for early in the morning, so I need to get some sleep.”

“I got that part,” I shot sarcastically.

He chuckled, throwing the towel back through the bathroom door and switching off the light inside. “Still confused?”

“A little,” I answered honestly.

He rolled his eyes and sauntered toward me. He cupped my chin and forced my eyes to his. “I refuse to treat you like a club whore, Harmony.”

I flinched at the wordwhore. I knew what I was, but hearing the derogatory term come from his lips and directed at me made my body cringe.

“Why?” I asked quietly, my body flooded with conflicting emotions. I knew he wanted to fuck me. The evidence was present in the front of his straining jeans. But for whatever reason he was fighting it.

“Because you’re more than that.” He touched his lips to my forehead with a softness that I wouldn’t have expected from him. “Bed, Harmony.”

I still was very confused at what was going on, even as Kit led me to bed, pulling the covers down for me and letting me climb in. The feeling didn’t last long though as he wrapped me in his arms and my head found his chest. I fell asleep, content and listening to his heart beat.

Kit was gone when I woke up the next morning.No surprises there.

Half of me was disappointed, the other half relieved by the feeling of normality.

Walked away, just like the rest.

I took a quick shower and gathered my school stuff and my guitar. I had a performance class today and I was still debating what song I was going to play. I threw my door open only to find Caleb standing there, hand raised and ready to knock.

I let out a small squeak of surprise. “Jesus, Caleb!”

He only grinned at me. “You ready to go? Chelsea’s waiting.”

I sighed. “Oh yes. You’re on babysitting duty.”

“Yeah, but I don’t do diapers,” he quipped with a wink and led the way down the hall.

I trailed behind him, frowning at his back. “I’m not sure if that comment was supposed to be offensive or not.”

“It was.”

“Well, in that case, fuck you, Caleb.” I threw my middle finger up at his back.

“Maybe in a couple months when I’ve got my patch.”

I studied his ass. It was pretty perfect in those dark denim jeans he wore. Maybe I’d take him up on that.

Chelsea was in a good mood on the drive to school. Blabbing on and on about how excited she was about her class today. Apparently it was fitness testing day. To her, that was something to get excited about. To me, all I could think about was what kind of excuses I would’ve made up to get out of it.

I have a cold.

Twisted my ankle in my high heels.

Condom broke and now I think I’m pregnant and it wouldn’t be good to put that much stress on my baby so early on in the pregnancy.

Yup, that last one was a keeper.

“Why are you in such a crap mood today?” Chelsea asked. “Kit’s pecker not big enough?”

“Pecker?” I laughed.
