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Sipping her latte, Jade checked her watch. “Shall we walk over?” She asked. “I parked over in the plaza, so my car should be fine for a while.

“So did I,” Taylor agreed.

Being the only one who couldn’t drive, conversations like these were hard to relate to, so I just sipped my mocha latte and listened. There were a lot of things I might miss out on because of my disability, but Taylor and Jade always made me feel included, no matter what we were doing. They often made me feel like the disability didn’t exist.

I loved them for it.

“So, is anyone else having a major writer’s block right now?”

Jade’s brow rose with concern. “You’re not writing?”

“Nothing is flowing. It’s horrible,” I whined. “And this meeting is seriously freaking me out.”

“I didn’t get the vibe we’re being called in for bad news,” Taylor offered. “Then again, I’m under deadline next month too.”

“What are you writing these days, Jade?”

“I haven’t had time. I’m so busy lately I feel like there’s no time for writing anymore.”

“Excuse me,” Taylor sang, wagging her finger. “You don’t get to complain about not having any time to write when you’re running your own company.”

“Right,” I sang right along beside her. “You’re a freakin’ badass, woman.”

“Thanks, guys,” Jade beamed. “You have no idea how much it means to me to have you both believe in me.”

“Of course, we believe in you.”

“And I’m sure everything is going to be fine,” Jade offered. “It’s not like the two of you don’t have jobs to fall back on as well. But if Amanda sent down the word for Lila to let any of us go, there’s always an opening in the Royal Cosmetic magazine. You two could have featured columns.”

“Really? That would be amazing, Jade.”

“You’re interested in something like that?” She asked.

“I mean, I have a full plate with my job at Owls and my deadline, but yeah.”

“What about you, Taylor? Are you interested?” Jade asked with curiosity.

“I want to say yes, but I don’t think it’s wise. I’ve got enough on my plate with the girls and the Harlan’s.”

“How are the girls?”

Taylor’s smile widened with pride. “You guys, they’re growing up too fast.”

“Isn’t Sabrina about to graduate high school?” Jade asked, changing the subject.

“Just about to. We bought her a prom dress last night. Look,” she said, extending her phone so we could have a look at the dress they picked out.”

Crowding around her phone, we got a glimpse. “Oh my God, Taylor, she’s absolutely gorgeous.”

“I know.”

“And that dress?” Jade whistled.

Taylor took her phone back. “Purple really is her color, isn’t it?” She asked.

“You know you’re going to have your hands full with her come next year,” Jade snickered. “Once the guys see her at prom, you’ll have them banging down your door this summer.”

“Oh God, I know. Please don’t remind me.”

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