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The messed-upphone call Ireceived the day Ichose to ruin Thomas’sclass, mentally crushed me. So much so, that Ireturned to Laura’simmediately after the door to the studio closed behind Thomas, and from there proceeded to collapse into bed way before sunset until the next morning.

When Iwoke up with the birds chirping by my window, Ifelt refreshed and ready to spend the day at home. Sun filled Laura’sguest room with an abundance of light. The perfect start for my day off.

Along shower and applying my soothing lavender oil were on the top of my to-do list on this gorgeous day. On my definitely-do-not-even-try-this list was going to the university’sstudio and paint. Idid not want or need to see Thomas, even if it meant taking abreak from painting Deidra.

Just as Istarted to rub the sleep out of my eyes, Laura knocked on the door and opened it halfway. “Why aren’tyou ready?” Her smile faltered when she saw me covered with the duvet up to my ears.

Ilooked at her blankly, trying to make sense of what else Ineeded to remember. “Ready for what?”

She sat at the edge of the bed, caressing my hair soothingly. “For signing the lease to your apartment. You forgot about it?”

“Shoot, Itotally did.” Igroaned at myself for wasting my energy on stressing over Thomas and that shitty phone call.

Laura pushed me down to the bed as soon as Ipulled off the covers and scooted to sit up. “Hold up. You’re looking off. What’swrong?”

“Nothing.” Isighed when she gave me aDon’tfuck with melook. “Not something Ifeel like talking about.”

“Er, you know you can tell me anything.” She examined me with her bluish-green eyes, searching for the answers Iwithheld from her.

Iplaced ahand over my mouth, suddenly conscious of how close we were. “Laura, Ihave the worst morning breath, and we have to go and sign my lease, remember?”

“Fine. If you do feel like talking…”

“I’ll come to you.” Igave her areassuring smile and rushed to the bathroom. The excitement of having aplace of my own eclipsed over yesterday, and Ibrushed my teeth and went out the door with Laura in record time.

While we were on the short walk to the apartment, Iadmired the beauty of the neighborhood, the greenery adorning every part of it. Wherever you looked, tall trees were planted, their large, green leaves overflowing and covering the branches, flowerbeds were planted in front of every house, and in the center was atidy square, surrounded by low tile fencing with around fountain in the middle.

The iconic brick homes stood proud in the middle of this organized jungle, and agiddiness flowed through me as Iimagined myself reading in the park or strolling in these streets in the evenings after work.

At the apartment, Mr. Sweeney did aquick check of my ID, verifying my employments at the university, and declared that Laura’sfriend’sletter was asufficient reference for him. Isigned the lease and finally, after so many years of being in ahouse where Iwas made to feel like aguest, Ihad aplace to call my own.

Ithrew the bag on the bed, postponing the unpacking process for another time, and joined Laura in the kitchen where she leaned against the counter.

“Ilove it here.” She grinned, her eyes filled with excitement.

My chest welled with hope for abetter future for myself when Ianswered truthfully, “Me too.”

“That’sthe most important thing.” She pushed herself from the counter and peeked outside the window. “Now that you’re settled-ish, what do you say to taking awalk around the block? It’sabeautiful day and it’ll be good for you, even if you don’twant to talk about what happened. Especially if you don’twant to talk about it.”

“Love the way you think, neighbor.” Ipicked up my new set of keys from the coffee table on our way out.

As we descended the stairs to the street, Isaw aman wearing sweats and running shoes come out from abuilding two houses from my new home. Afamiliar, broad-shouldered, and broody man.

Of course, it had to be Thomas. It should’ve been obvious to me after the last twenty-three years of one blow after the other, that no day in my life had the potential of being absolutely perfect.

Iknew Thomas lived in the neighborhood because of the pepper spray incident—no surprise there. What Icouldn’timagine in my wildest dreams, or nightmares, was that he’dlive less than ten steps away from me.

Despite being out in the open, my lungs constricted with hardly any air coming in and out. Igrasped Laura’shand, pulling her in another direction than the one she intended to take before he noticed us.

“Erin, what are you doing?” she asked, her voice loud. Unfortunately, too loud.

Thomas turned his head to the source of the noise in the quiet street, his eyes pinning me to where Istood. “Erin.”

Icouldn’tmake out whether it upset him to see me or this was aplain acknowledgement of my existence. My response to either of the two came out the same as yesterday. Meek.

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