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What kind of monster was she?

“He was so shocked … and I guess I was, too. But I watched him bleed out and I felt this … this rush of power. It was funny really—” Shay said, her voice trailing off, as if she were lost in the memory.

“Funny? My father’s murder was ‘funny’?” Jules couldn’t believe she’d been duped for so many years, that the chameleon who was her sister had fooled her so completely.

“You know what I mean, I was kinda transfixed,” Shay said, “just watching the blood flow out of his body. There was so damned much of it. Everywhere … and I had to keep away from it, of course, so I did. I even pretended to dial nine-one-one as he lay there, trying to reach for the phone.”

“But there was an intruder …”

“Sure there was!” Shay was nearly laughing, enjoying the look of horror on Jules’s features. “He’d left his wallet on the table, so that part was easy. I just hid it from Edie and ditched it with a homeless guy on the street on my way to school the next day.”

“But there were footprints,” Jules argued, realizing the depths of her sister’s depravity, that she was enjoying the fact that she’d gotten one over on Jules, on Edie, on Rip, on the police.

“The same size as his own. Did the police even notice? Odd thing about that. Remember the good shoes that Edie had tucked away into some sacks for Goodwill?” She lifted her shoulders as if to say, “Easy.”

Jules felt sick inside, starting to believe the mind-numbing truth.

“And then you came in and I had to wipe up … with the towel, to make it look like I’d just found him, too. I had to start crying and screaming, but you didn’t even notice. One glance at him and you really freaked out, lost your damned mind.” Shay grinned. She was almost giddy! “Man, did I luck out!”

“But you were so young … oh, God, why did you do it?” Jules asked, trying like crazy to wrap her mind around the depths of her sister’s depravity.

“Duh! Can’t you figure anything out. I already told you I was saving us and I knew if he was gone, if Edie and I were left alone, you wouldn’t leave.” She was studying Jules carefully now, her bravado melting into suspicion. “You were going to. I knew it and you were the only one who really cared about me. At least that’s what I thought. But I was wrong. It all changed. You had plans to go away for college and you were hooked up with some boyfriend that I’d never met, the same son of a bitch who became my pod leader down here … how’s that for bad luck?”

Trent. “I can’t believe this.”

“Of course you can’t, Miss Goody Two-shoes.” Shay snorted a laugh. “You never believe anything bad about anyone. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to convince you the school was rotten, but I got lucky with Spurrier and his band of lunatics.” She was pleased with herself. Gloating again, though still wary. “You know, I wondered if you’d ever put two-and-two together. Those bloodstains near Andrew’s and Maeve’s bodies were a pretty big clue. I was just testing you and you failed, Jules. Really failed. I mean, how dense are you?”

So it was true. Jules had to accept the truth.

Shay was a cold-blooded killer. And standing between her and the door. This girl who had once adored her, now a woman who, in so many ways, resembled Jules, was planted firmly in the middle of the room as if she intended to block her sister’s escape. Had planned it. Dear God, what had happened to Shay? Where was that sweet little girl she’d once loved? How had she become this monster?

Shay’s lips twisted as if she were reading Jules’s mind. Her eyes glimmered with a hideous light. “You still don’t ‘get’ me, do you, Jules?”

“No.” It was the truth. Maybe she never had.

“And you never will.” In a heartbeat, Shay’s eyes went blank, no emotion visible. Whatever connection they’d once had had been severed years ago and now, for the first time, Jules felt a tremor of fear.

“It’s time to go,” Jules said firmly, one eye on the door.

“Go where? Do you think I believe you’re interested in helping me? No way.”

“Shay, there’s a chance with the right attorney—”

“Fuck the right attorney!” Every muscle in Shay’s compact body tensed. In a second she transformed into a heartless murderer. Her gaze narrowed on Jules as she crouched, a position Jules recognized, one that indicated Shay was about to strike.

At that moment Jules knew the truth: Shay would kill her. And she wouldn’t think twice about it.

Eyes focused, Shay rounded.

Damn! Automatically, Jules feinted toward one of the twin beds.

Her sister adjusted. Aimed a kick square at Jules’s face. “Shay, don’t!!”

Too late! Teeth bared, Shay spun rapidly, her booted heel slicing through the air near Jules’s head.

Jules ducked.

Bam! Shay’s heel hit her shoulder. Pain sizzled up her spine.

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